• Apple store in China

Apple store in China (Photo : Reuters)

A mysterious woman dropped a rare and genuine Apple-1 computer at Clean Bay Area. The computer is unique worth $200,000. The recycling company wants to share the profit with the unknown woman.

A recycling company based out of South Bay is looking for a woman who donated her rare Apple-1 computer in a box of electronic items, according to San Jose Mercury News. After her husband passed away, she cleaned the house and removed the box of electronics.

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The company named Clean Bay Area found out that the box contained a one-of-a-kind computer called Apple-1. Only 200 of such first-generation computers were made by Steve Jobs, Ron Wayne and Steve Wozniak back in 1976.

The company sold the Apple-1 computer for $200,000 and now the Vice President of Clean Bay Area Victor Gichun is looking for the woman. According to the company policy, Clean Bay Area needs to give half of the proceeds to the donor.

Gichun revealed that the woman came on a Friday just when they were about to call it a day. She wanted to get rid of the items and clean up her garage. When Gichun said if she needed a receipt, she said she doesn't need anything.

The company vice president said that he remembers her and said that she was driving an SUV. However, he does not want to reveal any details about her car or the woman.

He said that he just needs to look at her and he will know who she is. The Apple-1 computer's proceed will be given to her if she shows up.

"We really couldn't believe our eyes. We thought it was fake," Gichun said about the Apple-1 computer (via NBC Bay Area).