China Island Dispute: Will China Heed the Warnings Of Japan To Stay Away From the Disputed Senkaku Islands?

| Jan 14, 2016 09:47 PM EST

China has been warned by Japan not to intrude near the disputed Senkaku Islands.

China has been warned by Japan not to intrude near the disputed Senkaku Islands. Japan has gone to the extent of sending its Self-Defence Force (SDF) ships so that the area could be patrolled and protected from the Chinese naval vessels, as reported by the Youmiuri newspaper on Tuesday this week.

The SDF ships are ready to take action if their warning is not headed and Chinese naval vessels are found within about 22 km of the Senkaku islands, even after being warned to leave the disputed islands.

It was in November when Japan had issued the warning to China after it found that Chinese coast guard ships, armed with cannon like weapons, were seen near the island. The Chinese have renamed the island as Diaosyus, and both Japan and China claim ownership of the land, in spite of it not being inhabited.

Both countries are aware of the need to maintain the diplomatic ties, as it is the Tokyo-Beijing diplomatic relationship has suffered as a result of China's claim over the island chains and territorial waters in the region.

This dispute over Senkaku Island is not the sole clash as there have been others between China and other countries sharing the South China Sea coastline. Earlier, there have been disputes over the Spratly Islands and the Paracel Islands, which received international attention in recent years.

According to reports, China's claims are deemed illegal, but then, this has backfired as the military build-up in the region by China prevents legal access to international waters and shipping lanes.

It remains to be seen if China will honor the International laws which grant the right of passage of naval ships within other nations' territorial waters, as long as they don't pose a threat to security, or will it be as aggressive as ever in its quest to expand its territory.

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