Monday, 10th, 2025 | 3:24PM Updated

People gather to demand repayment of loans and financial products at the lobby of Evergrande's Shenzhen headquarter, Guangdong province, China
Analysis: Investors brace for a great fall in China

International investors that have been piling into China in recent years are now bracing for one of its great falls as the troubles of over-indebted property giant China Evergrande come to a head.

U.S., China positions ossify at entrenched Tianjin talks
U.S., China positions ossify at entrenched Tianjin talks

With no indication of a U.S.-China leaders' summit in the works, nor any outcomes announced from high-level diplomatic talks on Monday, relations between Beijing and Washington appear to be at a standstill as both sides insist the other must make concessions for ties to improve.

Job Search
Unemployment Rises Sky High As More and More Americans Loses Jobs

T/he number of unemployed Americans rose precipitously again last week due to the coronavirus pandemic, with some 5.245 million workers filing first-time jobless

Economy Boost
Economy Update Amid Coronavirus: New York With Other Northwest States Teams Up Council On Getting Back To Normal

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is leading an effort in the Northeast to determine how the region can reopen its economy safely.

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WHO Hits Back Trump’s Defunding: Stop Politicizing COVID-19

The World Health Organization (WHO), which is leading the world's frantic fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, quickly criticized president Donald Trump for threatening to defund it and alleging its pro-China bias made the pandemic far worse than what it should have been.

Bill Gates
Bill Gates Foundation Supports The Second Coronavirus Vaccine To Start The Human Testing

A second potential vaccine against COVID-19, manufactured by a Pennsylvania biotech company, is all set to enter human testing.

Make Things Happen
Study Shows That More Opportunities For Women Will Add Trillions To World’s GDP

A study by the McKinsey Global Institute indicates achieving gender parity in the workplace could add $28 trillion to global gross domestic product, $5.1 trillion in Western Europe alone and $4.3 trillion in the United States.

Stock Market
Stock Market To Finish The First Quarter With Unforgettable Equities Drop

U.S. stocks dropped on Tuesday to finish a first quarter of unprecedented events and extreme volatility.

Coronavirus Pandemic Strikes Asian Garment Industry As Orders Decreasing

Cancellation of orders by western countries due to the coronavirus pandemic could spell doom for the garment industry in Asian countries and wipe out millions of jobs.

Manhattan NYC
Coronavirus Latest: Medical Supplies to Run Out In 2 Weeks in New York City

Densely populated New York City -- the world's financial capital -- is struggling to get a handle on the COVID-19 rampaging through its 8.2 million residents packed into an area of only 1.2 million square kilometers.

Mask Amid Coronavirus
Latest Update on Coronavirus: Common Actions That Raise You To Higher Risk of The Virus Widespread

The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus around the world has reached a staggering total of 532,289, stoking fears it could reach a million in less than 30 days.

Chemistry Crown Coronavirus Cure Disease Epidemic
US - China Trade War Made Coronavirus Worse? Countries May Need To Co-work To Fight Against Virus

U.S.-China tensions, exacerbated by the recent trade war, is likely making the coronavirus pandemic worse

A seller prepares decorations for the Chinese New Year at a shop in Phnom Penh
Spotlight: Chinese New Year, festival of luck and family reunion, gaining popularity in Cambodia

The majority of the Cambodians celebrate Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year, since many of them have Chinese ancestry and others believe that celebrating the festival will bring them good luck in the new year.

Chinese fans of the AC Milan soccer team sing during a friendly match in Shenzhen, Guangdong province.
Milan displays its worth to Chinese investors

In our globalized world, apparently disconnected events can hide common and surprisingly important traits. This was the case with Sunday's football match between Inter FC and Milan AC, and the upcoming 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

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