Super Smash Bros. 4 DLC character update news: Bayonetta & Corrin will join SSB4 brawl Feb 3 – Things to Expect

| Feb 01, 2016 07:36 PM EST

Nintendo's Super Smash Bros.

Super Smashers can now mark February 3 as D-Day Bayonetta and Corrin will join up the Super Smash Bros. 4 brawl. Nintendo America announced via Twitter this week that the last character expansions for SSB4 will become available "in the afternoon Feb. 3," or a day ahead of the European DLC release date.

The revelation came a week after Nintendo Europe has indicated via YouTube clips (can be viewed below) that the new SSB4 characters to be imported from Bayonetta and Fire Emblem Fates are set to be released February 4. There was no mention then on when U.S.-based Smashers will access the fresh DLCs.

Thankfully though Nintendo America quickly solved the mystery by saying in a tweet that the new Smashers will commence brawling in advance for American fans:

Along with the confirmation of the February 3 SSB4 DLC release date, Nintendo stated, as reported by Techno Buffalo, that players on both the Wii U and 3DS platform will simultaneously access Bayonetta and Corrin, reminding too that the download will cost $6 for the former and $5 for the latter. Yet for gamers wanting to have both characters on Wii U and 3DS, an extra dollar will do the trick.

And per Cinema Blend, Bayonetta and Corrin crossing over the Super Smash side means the addition of exciting texture to the game title. Bayonetta, for instance, is described by the report as "a close-range fighter ... with several of her summons packing a punch at mid-range."

Bayonetta's ability to slow down the time is something to watch for - using the power she can easily trap any foe and finish off the match.

Corrin, on the other hand, promises to be formidable Smasher who can morph and dispense at will. Versatility is the key strength of this Fire Emblem Fates hero, according to Cinema Blend.

The latest Super Smash Bros. 4 DLC character release date, as noted by the same report, will also deliver the fresh batch of Mii outfits as promised by Nintendo and the additional fighters previously mentioned by the Japanese gaming giant.

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