Chinese Artist Lao Shu Transforms Mundane Subjects into Masterpieces

| Feb 03, 2016 07:15 AM EST

Lao Shu is a professor at the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing.

Lao Shu paints about mundane, everyday subjects, but his paintings and photographs have captured the hearts of even the most scrutinizing critic, China Daily reported.

He usually covers topics such as "being bored of checking WeChat updates," or "waiting for the annual bonus," but perhaps this realistic setting is what has endeared him to so many people.

Fans and critics agree that Lao's works have a special way of easing the stress modern life brings.

"I use Lao Shu's works to take a breather when I am busy. His words and paintings are a cure for urban solitude," shared Wang Jiasheng, an editor from Guangxi Normal University press.

Originally known as Liu Shuyong, Lao was born in 1962 in Shandong Province. He started out as an established curator and photographer.

Lao Shu rose to artistic stardom through his Chinese-style paintings often compared to ancient masterpieces, complete with signature seals and calligraphed poems. Still, other critics maintain that these works are different from each other.

His most famous work to date is an image of a man with no facial features, wearing a Chinese long gown and a Western bowler hat. This image made him go viral, with over a million fans following him on Sina Weibo since 2011.

This man in the long gown is Lao's main character, and often featured in other situations.

Once limited to Chinese boundaries, his body of work will be published by a French firm to reach an international audience.

"Nothing is impossible for me," said Lao in an interview with China Daily. He is a professor at the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing.

"There is too much confinement in real life, so why not be true to your heart and be free about time and space on paper," he said.

Lao's book, "An Inch of Spare Dreams," was named by Tencent and China Publishing & Media Journal as the top original Chinese title of 2015, taking into consideration feedback from readers and professional recommendations.

His body of work has also been shown on CCTV's 2015 Spring Festival Gala.

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