'Game of Thrones' Season 6: Will Sansa's unborn child control the future fate of the Starks' and Boltons'?

| Feb 17, 2016 08:38 AM EST

Jon Snow is expected to return to 'Game of Thrones' Season 6, when it airs in April on HBO.

There are speculations that Sansa Stark may be pregnant with Ramsay Bolton's child and this unborn child could control the future fate of the Starks' and Boltons'.

HBO recently released a series of images from "Game of Thrones" season 6. These images reveal a lot about the storyline of the upcoming season. 

According to the exclusive pictures present on HBO's Making of Game of Thrones Blog, Stark can be seen standing in the wild with an unkempt look. Her pregnant belly is also visible, which was the result of her brutal rape on her wedding night.

The unborn child will carry the genes of two stellar families - the Starks and the Boltons, both of which want to control the North. Hence, it may be a strong possibility that this child could hold the fate of these two families in his/her hands. On the other hand, there is also a possibility that Stark may be intent on revenge and may instead choose to abort the baby, according to Independant.

Meanwhile, "Game of Thrones" Season 6 spoilers indicate that Isaac Hempstead Wright, as Brandon Stark, will be making his return after being absent in the previous season of the show. He was last seen meeting the three-eyed Raven who was found on the other side of the Wall. He will be beginning his training as a warg.

Warg is the ability in which one can place his or her mind in the body of another being and then control their action. Even though he already knows how to do it, the three eyed Raven will teach him how to use it to fight the White Walkers. 

It was seen in the last season that Princess Myrcella, who was poisoned, died in Jamie Lannister's arms. The recently released photos show Lannister bringing her body home and also meeting Cercie for the first time after she was punished by the High Sparrows.

It was seen in the last season that after Drogon flew Daenerys Targaryen out of danger. However, she could not convince him to go back and in the meantime, Dothroki men found her. Now, it can be seen in one of the pictures that Targaryen is handcuffed and being held as a prisoner amidst the Dothrakis.

The next season is all set to return on HBO on April 24. 

Watch this video to learn more about the exciting season:

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