NBA Rumors: Chicago Bulls Are Losers In Trade Deadline As They Failed To Improve; Playoff Run In Peril?

| Feb 20, 2016 09:07 PM EST

Chicago Bulls center Pau Gasol.

The Chicago Bulls have always been known as the team that tries but always falls short.

One of the main reasons for this is that their main man, Derrick Rose, is perennially injured. Still, the team cannot wait for him to get healthy and former coach Tom Thibodeau kept the team competitive with or without, (but mostly without) the former NBA MVP.

They were impressive enough to attract Pau Gasol when he became a free agent and he chose the Bulls over teams like the Oklahoma City Thunder. They also developed a new franchise alpha dog in Jimmy Butler, but they still fell short of the goal so they got rid of Thibodeau and replaced him with Fred Hoiberg.

Now, Gasol is on the verge of free agency again as he has a player option, the Bulls only traded Kirk Hinrich and are now stuck with their roster with their team barely inside the playoff race with a rejuvenated, aggressive Detroit Pistons breathing down their necks for the eighth and final playoff spot.

As Chicago Bulls team site Pippen Ain't Easy stated, they may have to say farewell to the Spanish center.

"The Bulls only traded Kirk Hinrich for a second-round pick at the deadline, and it looks like Pau Gasol is now going to walk away this summer for nothing," PAE said. "The big man did say recently that he wanted to stay in Chicago, but he gave this the caveat that he wanted to see how the team finished out the year. Wouldn't you leave if you were Gasol? He's not exactly young anymore, and his chances to win a championship here are basically nil at this point."

Their own fans seem to be giving up, especially with Jimmy Butler injured. They were probably the team most involved in trade rumors at the deadline which is why their silence at the deadline was met with disappointment, enough to declare them as "losers" in this Inquisitr article.

They note that the Bulls were injury ravaged but it is a problem for all teams in the league. They compared the Bulls with their rivals, the Cleveland Cavaliers, who overcame injuries to Kevin Love and eventually, even Kyrie Irving in their playoff run last year.

The Bulls should have a contingency plan and should not be afraid to take risks. They expressed desire to re-sign Pau Gasol even when they hired a coach who wants to play up-tempo (like the debacle of the LA Lakers in 2012).  The trade of Gasol for Ben McLemore could have been a step forward, but the front office did not take it.

In contrast, the Pistons were the big winners of the trade deadline and it won't be a surprise if they change places, with the Bulls on the outside looking in.

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