Miss Universe Jamaica 2014 Kaci Fennell: Icon Of Modern Day Miss Universe

| Jan 26, 2015 07:49 AM EST

Kaci Fennell

Kaci Fennell, Miss Universe Jamaica 2014, has defied the traditional old-age Miss Universe contestants' shiny-straight locks and tousled waves with her very own "I am just expressing myself" look.

Fennel, a Jamaica's Next Top Model winner, was born in 1992 in the city of Kingston. Having taken up special education in college, this model is exuding with confidence as she decided to deviate from the societal norm of what a beauty title holder should look, according to The Nirvana Magazine.

The only short-haired beauty made it to the pageant's to five.

During the second part of the question and answer portion, all of the top five contestants were asked, "what is your country's greatest contribution to the world?". While all other four women answered eloquently, Fennel said that Usain Bolt and Bob Marley are Jamaica's biggest contributions to the world.

The stunning beauty might have been a runner-up, but the answer she gave definitely got her noticed.  Her credit for the musician and the fastest man of the world created buzz on Twitter.

A tweet said, "I think #MissJamaica is the main one who actually understands the questions and is answering to best of her ability," while another fan tweet stated, "#MissJamaica pointing out that you don't have to have a certain look or long hair to be beautiful."

After a night full of competitive spirits, Miss Colombia Paulia Vega won the crown and the title "Miss Universe 2014". Starting the night off, all 88 contestants came out in their stunning national costumes representing each of their nations.

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