'Doctor Who' Star David Tennant Confirmed To Play Kilgrave In Marvel Netflix Series 'A.K.A. Jessica Jones'

| Jan 27, 2015 08:25 AM EST

David Tennant

Marvel just announced that "Doctor Who" star David Tennant will be playing a villain in its new Netflix series "A.K.A. Jessica Jones."

Tennant will be antagonizing Jones, played by "The Blacklist" star Krysten Ritter, a detective in New York City who was a former super hero. Jones takes cases that involve supernatural powers, according to Telegraph.

The Scottish actor will be playing Zebediah Kilgrave, a villain who has history with Jones. Mike Colter will also be joining the cast as Luke Cage.

Besides "Doctor Who," Tennant is also famous for his roles in "Broadchurch" and "Gracepoint."

The series' showrunner and executive producer Melissa Rosenberg said that she is "honored and excited" to work with Tennant for the Netflix series.

Tennant's character, also known as The Purple Man, is literally purple. But, he also has threatening powers, including mind control via pheromones and quick injury recovery, Inside TV reported.

Marvel has not announced yet whether they will stay faithful to the comic version of the series.

It is not the first time a "Doctor Who" star will be playing a villain in the Marvel universe. Christopher Eccleston starred as an evil elf in "Thor: The Dark World."

The "A.K.A. Jessica Jones" is just one of Marvel's Netflix series lined up for this year. Other series include a TV reboot of "Daredevil," which will star Charlie Cox. The previous star who played the blind attorney/crime fighter was Ben Affleck in the 2003 film adaptation of the comic.

Marvel already has ongoing TV series such as "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," which many believe as an introduction to the "Inhumans" film and is also part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the new "Agent Carter."

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