Is ‘Dragon Ball Super’ episode 36 preview trailer releasing on Mar. 13, 2016? – Report and spoilers

| Mar 12, 2016 05:00 PM EST

Is ‘Dragon Ball Super’ episode 36 preview trailer releasing on Mar. 13, 2016? – Report and spoilers

Frost has played his evil cards during the inter-universe tournament and defeated Son Goku and Piccolo. However, Vegeta vowed to defeat him. It is likely that Vegeta will defeat him in "Dragon Ball Super" episode 36. However, preview trailer for episode 36 is not airing today. 

Warning: This article contains spoilers for "Dragon Ball Super" episodes. Read only if you wish to know more about the instalments.

"Dragon Ball Super" episode 36 preview trailer

The preview for episode 36 is not releasing on Sunday, Mar. 13, 2016 as the show is taking a one-week break. And "Dragon Ball Super" episode 35 will air on Sunday, Mar. 20, 2016.

The new episode airs next Sunday that will feature the fight between Vegeta and Frost. It is expected that Vegeta will destroy Frost to move ahead in the tournament.

The provisional title for "Dragon Ball Super" episode 36 is "n Unexpectedly Tricky Opponent!? Vegeta's Explosion of Rage!"

"The new "if you touch the barrier, even in midair, it''s an out-of-bonds loss" rule was established after the battle of Vegeta versus Frost. Meanwhile, Vegeta, being cornered by the attacks of his next opponent Magetta, the Metalman from Universe 6, turned Super Saiyajin to aim for a turn of tables but...," reads the summary of episode 36 shared by Gojiitaaf.

"Vegeta defeated Frost with one merciless attack. But, a new rule was established for the remaining maches. From now on, as soon as one touches the barrier, even in midair, it will be an "out-of-bounds loss". The next opponent of Vegeta is Magetta, the Metalman. With a sturdy body and diverse attacks, he gets Vegeta cornered...," reads the bonus summary for "Dragon Ball Super" episode 36.

In episode 35, the real identity of Frost is revealed. He was a man who started wars as well as purchased the lands at a cheap price. Frost is nothing but pure evil and it will be interesting to see if his cunning needle trick would work on Vegeta or not.

Stay tuned for "Dragon Ball Super" episode 36 preview trailer and more. Share your thoughts and views in the section below.

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