'The Flash' Season 2 spoilers: Carlos Valdes tease Vibe costume soon; Jason Mewes added, episode 18 trailer reveals Zoom's origin [VIDEOS]

| Mar 31, 2016 05:00 AM EDT

The Flash is a CW Network series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns.

New details for "The Flash" season 2 will feature Zoom's origins in the episode 18 trailer, Jason Mewes added to the cast and Carlos Valdes on Cisco Ramon having the Vibe costume soon.

The episode 18 trailer for "The Flash" season titled "Versus Zoom" features the possible origin story of the demonic Earth 2 speedster, Zoom (Teddy Sears and Ton Todd). Audiences and comic book fans saw Zoom's identity as Jay Garrick which left Barry Allen/The Flash and the rest of Team Flash devastated once again as one of their own who taught to be a beloved friend and mentor betrayed them similar as to how Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher) did in season 1.

In the trailer, it revealed that "Jay" is actually named Hunter Zolomon similar to his DC comic book counterpart. The difference however, is that Hunter Zolomon in the show is a convicted serial killer rather than a police detective in the comics. The video also features another fight between The Flash and Zoom, a look at Hunter's childhood until his incarceration and how he obtain his super speed powers after being electrocuted, ComicBookResources reported.

With Zoom's name being outed as Hunter Zolomon, could this mean that Teddy Sears' character all along is pretending to be Jay Garrick in order to have Barry's speed since the Velocity 9 is killing him. Could this also mean that the man in the iron mask is the real Jay Garrick or Jay and Hunter are identical twins on Earth 2 similar to The Flash and Cobatlt Blue in the comics.

In other news, Kevin Smith's good friend Jason Mewes is added in an episode of "The Flash" season 2 as the Smith posted a photo on his Intagram with Mewes and Sears wearing his Zoom ouftit complete with heart warming message.

Smith will directing an episode 21 for "The Flash" season 2 and it is written by "Thor" movie script writer Zack Stentz. It is unknown yet what Mewes' role in the episode, but it will likely involve his character and Zoom in the show, Cinemablend reported.

Lastly, cast member Carlos Valdes teased that possibility that Cisco Ramon could be wearing his Vibe costume soon during the "Heroes and Villains Fan Fest" event.

Valdes portrayed the Earth-2 version of character named Reverb, which teased a possible make over for his Earth-1 self in "The Flash" season 2. When asked about the possibility if Cisco becoming Vibe is the show, Valdes replied saying he "hopes so" soon.

"The Flash" season 2 will return on April 19 on the CW Network.

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