Newest Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves Spends $250,000 For Plastic Surgery Because Of Bullying

| Feb 01, 2015 11:38 PM EST

Rodrigo Alves

Rodrigo Alves, a flight attendant based in London, has shed out $250,000 on plastic surgery alone so he could like look like Barbie's male counterpart, Ken. Before his series of surgeries, Alves revealed that he was unattractive, fat, and bullied relentlessly.

"I used to be fat, misshaped and bullied to death when I was a teen up to the point that I decided to reinvent myself and ended up to be nicknamed as #kendoll," Alves explained via a personal Instagram photo on Jan. 28.

"I never set out to look like the #kendoll it was a nick name given by my friends and the press which doesn't bother me at all. I just wanted to be a better person and I truly am," the real-life Ken doll captioned on another Instagram photo.

Alves' own list of plastic surgery procedures includes, fillers to arms, calf-shaping, chest implants, leg liposuction, jaw liposuction, three nose jobs, and an integration of a fake six-pack that amounted to $33,000, the Daily Mail reported.

As a regular treatment, Alves gets filler injections and Botox twice each year together with a bunch of pills for hair growth, collagen supply and diuretics.

The flight attendant got his first surgery in 2004 after feeling unpleasant compared to his friends. He admits that his enhancement-induced transformation requires a long-term maintenance mechanism, but he does not mind the effort.

The most recent human Ken doll, who went through therapy after a previous plastic surgery led to a serious complication, recently appeared on "Bodyshockers" at Channel 4.

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