Keep Moving: Latest Hong Kong Gadget Tiny But Handy

| Apr 06, 2016 09:38 PM EDT

Three of the many uses of gyreo (clockwise): pet tracker, smart home controller and measurer. “Giving You Real Extensive Options”--that’s Gyreo.

It’s too big for a button and shows no strings to be mistaken for a mini yoyo.

Then what is this circular object that can do quite a number of remarkable things as seen on its promotional video?

It’s Gyreo, the “ultimate customizable wireless motion gadget” created by InnoTree Team from Hong Kong, according to Kickstarter.

Its website describes it as “a designer tool and a platform for coders to create motion and action-triggered applications.”

This lightweight multi-functional device can be used for playing games on one’s tablet, for presenting one’s slideshows and for securing one’s bag when one is not looking and busy doing something else (will send a kind of security alert to one’s phone).

For fitness enthusiasts, they can attach it on their belt, on their bike or on their shoes to know the distance they will cover when they go brisk walking, jogging, running or biking.

At home, it can be used for turning on the volume of the TV and vice versa, for dimming the lamp or completely turning it off, for measuring “all kinds of organic shapes” and for tracking the whereabouts of the house pet, according to its website.

For those who tend to get plenty of spam calls or simply don’t have time for unwanted phone calls, this tiny gadget can filter phone calls, too.

InnoTree Team’s Jackson Chan said that Lego blocks gave them the idea to make Gyreo, according to Tech in Asia.

With Lego blocks, one can create anything that one’s imagination would permit.

That seems like what entered the minds of the InnoTree Team.

Chan told Tech in Asia that Lego provided them “the feeling of freedom to create anything we like without boundaries.”

The team wants that same kind feeling with Gyreo.

They said that “bluetooth connection, data communication, data collection and sensor sensitivity adjustment” make up Gyreo’s software development kit.

Chan and his team need a pledge of 35,000 pounds for the whole project to be funded, according to Kickstarter.

As of April 6, a total of 10,485 pounds were pledged.

People can pledge until April 27.

“Bringing creative projects to life,” New York-based Kickstarter is a global crowdfunding platform that helps people “find the resources and support the need to make their ideas a reality,” according to its website.

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