Beijing Warns Female Government Workers not to Fall in Love with ‘Foreign Spies’

| Apr 23, 2016 03:40 AM EDT

Dangerous Love Cartoon Poster

In March, when Beijing noticed the high viewership of the Korean drama “Descendants of the Sun” which was showing then over video platform iQiyi, it warned Chinese women not to fall in love with actor Song Joong-ki because too much attention on an actor could destroy the family due to jealous husbands.

Now, it has another warning against foreign men, but the reason it warned female government employee is because their men could be foreign spies.

To send the warning, the government released a colorful 16-panel cartoon titled “Dangerous Love.” The cartoon tells the story of a fictional government worker, Xiao Li, who is in a relationship with a visiting scholar who wear glasses and has red hair.

The pair are seen having a romantic dinner and then walking in a nice park. However, the boyfriend convinces Xiao Li to provide him access to internal government documents. After he sees the documents, he disappears.

The government disseminated “Dangerous Love” posters in subway stations and streets of Beijing to mark National Security Education Day. But many locals who saw the posters found it quite ridiculous as they point out that ordinary people do not usually know anything about state secrets.

Beijing, it seems, is on a cartoon fixation since last week it also used cartoon images of superheroes such as Batman to also highlight how important it is that state secrets should not leak. Besides Batman, the images of Mr. Bean, Spongebob Squarepants, the Joker and Jack Ma were also used.

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