‘Clash of Clans’ (CoC) updates: Supercell to permanently ban players cheating twice on ‘CoC’; Xmodgames responds to strengthen Its Anti- Detection Algorithm to protect 'CoC' cheaters

| Apr 30, 2016 03:04 PM EDT

Xmodgames are eager to go against Supercell, and may even strengthen their anti-detection algorithm.

Supercell is said to permanently ban gamers of "Clash of Clans" who are caught cheating; however, "CoC" modders are eager to go against Supercell, and may even strengthen their anti-detection algorithm.

Since "Clash of Clans" has been a massive hit worldwide, it is not surprising that its number of players is on the rise; however, some players of the game just could not play under the fair competition platform. Hence, these gamers are opting to use whatever cheat they could do to be at the top and remain on that hill.

With all the complaints that "Clash of Clans" developer Supercell has been receiving, it finally responded saying that it would ban gamers who are not fairly playing the game. This warning was released by the game developer on its official website, stating that the accounts it has found to be cheating were banned for two weeks. The mobile game developer also emphasized that if the said accounts will be caught cheating again, then the accounts will be permanently banned.

In terms of cheating, players of "Clash of Clans" use third party applications in order to gain advantage while playing the game. These third party applications allows gamers to appear online even if they are not, which means, other players will not be able to attack their towns. Another cheat would be having extra currencies even if the players did not purchase it from the game's developer. This allows the players to unlimitedly upgrade whatever they want to upgrade, and spawn whatever troop they want to.

Meanwhile, the said largest third party application for "Clash of Clans," Xmodgames, gave a statement relating to the issue of banning. The reports lead to Xmodgames challenging Supercell to a battle of cat and mouse. In fact, the third party application developer tweeted that modders should unite to get the victory. It is also reported that Xmodgames will enhance its anti-detection algorithms. In this way, Supercell will have a hard time detecting the gamers who are using Xmodgames' cheating applications.

Nevertheless, "Clash of Clans" is not a difficult game to play, but it certainly would require patience and strategic plans if players want to succeed in this game, and reaching the top with cheats is likely unsatisfying.

Watch "Calsh of Clans" movie animation below:

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