Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress Episode 4 recap & Episode 5 preview, trailer: Series enters new arc, Kabaneri enemy emerges [Spoilers]

| May 05, 2016 06:46 PM EDT

Kabaneri episode 5

Episode 5 Preview - After surviving yet another deadly kabane attack, the Koutetsojou continues its push towards Kongokaku with the hope of finding a haven in the Shogun's greatest stronghold. With Lady Ayame and her Bushi guards finally embracing the presence of the Kabaneris (Mumei and Ikoma), somehow there's a reason to be optimistic that they'll eventually reach their ultimate destination despite the constant threats from Kabanes.

Unfortunately, all that positive vibe dashes away once they learn that another station has fallen to Kabanes. Like what happened at Aragane, Yashiro Station is now infested with blood-thirsty Kabanes, and survivors begin seeking refuge aboard the Koutetsojou. One of the survivors apparently is an old acquaintance of Mumei. In an unexpected turn of events, another battle ensues and this time, it looks like Mumei's life is in grave danger.

Episode 4 Brief Recap:

Just when everybody thought they were in a safe place, hordes of Kabanes appeared out of nowhere and began rushing towards the train. Mumei sensed the incoming danger earlier, giving them just enough time to restart the engine and get the survivors aboard.

Still threatened by the presence of Kabaneris, the elders of Aragane station forced Lady Ayame to giving them the key with the purpose of settling the issue once and for all. Their plan is to detach the last cart from the Hayaijiro so they can get rid of Mumei, Ikoma and three other steam smiths.

Their plan turned into a disaster. Kabanes caught everybody unguarded by pulling off an ambush attack just before the train entered the tunnel. There, Kabanes began sneaking into the train and killing dozens of people. Ayame and his Bushi guard tried to pacify the situation, but they soon realized that their weapons weren't suited for close range combat.

Kurusu tried to save the day by showing exemplary swordsmanship with his Katana. However, he had no match against a much bigger and more agile Kabane who wields swords in both hands (Wazatori). Meanwhile, Ikoma and Mumei also started to make their move on top of the train, but due to exhaustion, Mumei fell asleep once again. That left Ikoma as the only person capable of stopping the Samurai Kabane.

Realizing that Ikoma needs blood to replenish his strength, Lady Ayame slashed her wrist and allowed Ikoma to sip in the blood. With his Kabaneri power activated, Ikoma easily overpowered the Samurai Kabane, killing it with his nail gun.

Ikoma's heroism impressed Ayame and the Bushis, including Kurusu who once viewed Kabaneris a threat to humanity. By getting support from majority of people around her, Ayame decides to keep Ikoma and Mumei on the train until they reach their destination - Kongokaku.

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