In the heat of the battle between Team 7 and Kaguya Otsutsuki, Naruto Shippuden will air two non-canon episodes to further delve deeper into the Mythos surrounding the Mother of all Shinobi. Episode 460 entitled Kaguya Otsutsuki will focus on the origins of Kaguya before the corruption of the Divine Tree. It will also likely reveal the father of the Otsutsuki twins: "Hagoromo and Hamura"
Episode 460 Synopsis & Spoilers:
Long time ago there wasn't any concept of chakras. In sudden the God Tree (Shinju) has appeared in the earth and the people got confused about it, then Kaguya Ōtsutsuki has descended from heavens. The emperor of the ancestral land who named as Tenji, had fascinated of Kaguya's pretty look, and because of her, the wars flames started to stop.
Even before the birth of the first Shinobi, war wasn't a foreign concept. As a matter of fact, the chaos that prevailed in the world during those times drove Kaguya to eat the sacred fruit from the Divine Tree, turning her into a Divine being.
The princess of the Otsutsuki clan was no longer a human, she had turned into a God capable of ending war with her massive chakra. But in an unexpected turn of events, her rage towards her foes dissipated when he met Tenji, who is presumed to be her love interest and the father of Hagoromo and Hamura.
Episode 461 Synopsis & Preview:
Everyday, Kaguya looked up to the sky silently. Later on, she gave birth to her children Hagoromo and Hamura. The Great Toad Sage appeared in the show and it's called Gamamaru. But it's prohibited by Kaguya to get access to the God Tree to see what was it about.
The titles for Episode 462 to 464 has already been released: Naruto Shippuden" episode 462 'I Created the Past,' episode 463 'The Surprising Number One,' and episode 464 'Ninshu.'
Naruto Shippuden Episode 460 will be aired on TV Tokyo (May 12) Thursday at 6:00 a.m US ET. This will be followed by Episode 462 "Hagoromo and Hamura" on May 19. Preview trailer of Episode 462 will be posted on Naruto Official Trailer.