WWE releasing Natalya and Ryback next? Reason why Damien Sandow and King Barrett were let go revealed

| May 12, 2016 08:38 PM EDT

Ryback celebrates a win with a WWE referee.

In a shocking turn of events, the WWE released some of their prized talents in Damien Sandow and King Barrett, among others. Apparently, more stars will follow their path in the next coming days.

On May 6, WWE released Damien Sandow, King Barrett, Hornswoggle, El Torito, Cameron, Zeb Colter, Santino Marella and Alex Riley today. The colorful WWE star was reportedly released due to the company wanting to do some major overhaul in the entire roster, Wrestle Zone reported.

Fans were surprised to see Sandow released as he was believed to be one of the company's up and coming stars. Also, King Barrett had a lot going on for him as he was even part of the League of Nations, a stable that includes Sheamus, Rusev and Alberto Del Rio who are WWE's brightest stars.

Nevertheless, Sandow is not leaving the wrestling scene anytime soon as he is set to compete in independent promotions in New York, New Jersey and Indiana. Meanwhile, there are no news of King Barret's next gig as of the moment.

Now, the WWE will reportedly be letting go of some more wrestlers, one being a prominent female wrestler and the other is considered as a top superstar, Wrestling Inc. reported. Hence, fans over at the website speculated on who would probably let go in the following weeks.

According to user, Fallen_Angel, it is likely that Natalya is the female wrestler being referred to, considering what the WWE did to her in "Payback" by replicating the Montreal Screwjob incident on her. Meanwhile, user Martin83 thinks it will either be Tamina, Rosa or Summer as the three are now rarely used and are not making any significant strides in their storyline.

As for the "top superstar," some believe it will be Ryback as the gigantic wrestler has been gradually getting less and less screen-time compared to how he was projected earlier as being the next Goldberg. Some are also doubtful on the WWE's move as the last time they introduced a crop of new talents, only 12 percent were actually utilized and went on to have decent careers.

Here are more insights on the releasing of Damien Sandow and other WWE superstars:

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