'Star Wars: Battlefront' gamers won't suffer from mediocre gameplay in 'Star Wars Battlefront 2'; Game coming with single-player?

| May 13, 2016 01:44 AM EDT

Star Wars Battlefront is an action shooter video game developed by EA DICE, with additional work from Criterion Games, and published by Electronic Arts.

When "Star Wars Battlefront 2" arrives in 2017, fans have been assured that they will not experience a middle-of-the-road gameplay in the game like they did in the first "Star Wars Battlefront" installation.

During an earnings call on Tuesday, EA's Blake Jorgensen confirmed to PC Gamer in an interview that "Star Wars Battlefront 2" is coming soon. He not only used the phrase "next year," but also disclosed that EA will release a new "Star War" game every year after that.

Jorgensen told the publication that the gameplay will significantly improve, with the addition of bigger and better worlds. The main reason behind the improvements is because the developer has new content from the new movies that it can work off from.

If his statement is to be trusted, 2017's installment will receive significant upgrades even if it is not certain whether EA will keep its promise of "Star Wars" annual game release. 2015 "Star Wars Battle Front" came with a solid title, but lacked diversity and solo playability.

"Star Wars Battlefront 2" is, however, prospected to come with a single player capability to fulfill fans' wishes. Furthermore, it will see the expansion of its scope, especially with new characters and storylines from the new movies like "The Force Awakens."

The last "Star Wars Battlefront" installation earned a 73 metascore on Metacritic, signifying mixed and average reviews. The unanimity stated that "Battlefront" was is a good "Star Wars" installation, but an average multiplayer shooter game.

Even as this is the case, it does not indicate that "Star wars" is a dying franchise because it still has potential, iDigital Times reported. Gamers are already excited that the second installation is on the way, with some already suggesting in forums some of the characters they would like to see like Rey, Finn, and Kylo Ren.

"Star Wars Battlefront 2" will arrive in 2017 with content from "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" and "Star Wars: Rogue One." Meanwhile, in 2019, Respawn, the studio responsible for "Titanfall's" development and the upcoming "Titanfall 2" will release its own "Star Wars" game, which will come as a third-person shooter.

Here is a "Star Wars Battlefront 2" video update:

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