Big 'Pokémon Sun and Moon' news are coming in June's CoroCoro issue

| May 13, 2016 10:05 AM EDT

'Pokémon Sun and Moon' are the next new games in the Pokémon franchise.

Although the latest Japanese CoroCoro issue has not revealed any substantial information about "Pokémon Sun and Moon," the monthly magazine has teased that an "exclusive scoop" will be coming in June's copy.

According to Serebii, the exclusive news about "Pokémon Sun and Moon" will be unveiled to top up the huge reveal that happened on May 10, where starters and legendaries were shown. The details came via the first footage of the game, demonstrating the first expectations of fans.

The clip showcased some new "Pokémon" starters special to the upcoming "Sun and Moon" franchise, which will get released on Nov. 18 in the United States, Australia, Japan, and Nov. 23 in Europe. The game's environment is based in the fictional region of Alola.

The three highlighted starters are the grass flying Rowlet, the fire-type Litten, and the water-type Popplio. The released "Pokémon Sun and Moon" Japanese trailer also confirmed some details of the gameplay, pointing out that a player can alter their skin pigment in the game, just like in "Pokémon X & Y."

Despite the lack of "Sun and Moon-related" updates, the May issue of Cororo did have a new image for the up and coming Volcanion as well as he indigenous Magearna. Back in April, the same magazine disclosed Margearna's typing to be fairy and steel while teasing a May announcement for "Sun and Moon," one which turned out to be the May 10 trailer and the disclosure of legendary "Pokémon."

According to iDigital Times, fans can expect June's issue of the magazine to reveal the names and details of the new legendary "Pokémon." As per now, only the lion "Pokémon" for Sun and a giant bat for the Moon have been disclosed.

The two legendaries have acquired trademarks assigned to each one of them. The "Pokémon's" names are "Solgaleo" for the Sun and "Lunaala" for the Moon.

With Corocoro continuing to dub itself as the "Pokémon main source" over the past months, as well as its continued leaking of "Pokémon Sun and Moon" details, fans can be assured that its word on June's "exclusive scoop" will carry big news. Meanwhile, the "Pokémon" company is yet to comment about the upcoming updates.

Watch the Pokemon "Sun and Moon" trailer here:

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