'Justice League' movie rumors: Plot details suggest Mother Boxes are found on earth [VIDEO]; Black Canary appearance, Willem Dafoe character details revealed!

| May 16, 2016 04:10 AM EDT

The Justice League live-action movie will be directed by Zack Snyder and it stars Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Ray Fisher, Jason Momoa and Ezra Miller.

New details for the "Justice League" movie will feature Willem Dafoe's character description, Black Canary's appearance and the Mother Boxes are found on earth.

Several rumors are making rounds that the plot details for the two-part "Justice League" movie will involve the New Gods dimensional gateway devices known as the "Mother Boxes". According to Heroic Insider reporter El Mayimbe, the Mother Boxes were left on from earth 30,000 years ago after Darseid first came to earth and conquers it to expand his influence across the galaxy, but was met with resistance by the combined forces of man, the Amazons and the Atlanteans, ComicBookMovie reported.

After the conclusion of their war against Darkseid, a rivalry between the Amazons and the Atlanteans has sparked, which supports the previous reports that part 1 of the "Justice League" film will feature a conflict with Atlantis. These further dictates that the possibility of the Mother Boxes being hidden on earth due to the deleted scene in "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" called "The Communion" were in Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) is looking at a monstrous being with four mysterious cubes in the Kryptonian archives.

It is speculated that the monstrous being could be Darkseid's nephew and military commander Steppenwolf and will serve as the main villain during the events of "Justice League" movie part one. Mayimbe added that Victor Stone/Cyborg (Ray Fisher) will have a huge role in the movie since one of the Mother Boxes transformed him into a haft-man, haft-machine being he is now.

In other news, New details for "Spider-Man" movie trilogy actor Willem Dafoe's character in the DC Extended Universe has been revealed.

Dafoe was cast in the "Justice League" movie part one, playing a mysterious character and stated that he will be one of the "good guys". However, further details revealed that Dafoe's character is an Atlantean and a member of the Atlantis' council, Birth.Movies.Death. reported

The Atlantis scenes in "Justice League" movie will not be underwater similar to Aquaman's (Jason Momoa) appearance in "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" as director Zack Snyder has set up an elaborate "two arm" rig on a green screen stage with actors like Momoa clutched in one arm while the camera is clutched in the other. The two arms are pre-programmed to move in sync so that Momoa or other Atlantean characters can do all kinds of maneuvers while the camera moves around them.

There are also speculatipns that Black Canary will likely appear in "Justice League" movie as her rumored backstory revealed her ancerstors are part of the same coalition with the Amazons and Atlanteans that fought Darkseid during his invasion of earth.

The members of the Justice League in the film will comprise of Superman (Henry Cavill), Batman (Ben Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), The Flash (Ezra Miller), Aquaman (Momoa) and Cyborg (Fisher), while Green Lantern (Dan Amboyer) will likely appear in the second film.

 "Justice League" movie part 1 is scheduled on Nov. 17, 2017, while part 2 is on June 14, 2019.

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