'Game of Thrones' Season 6 episode 5 recap and takeaways: Jon Snow set to reclaim Winterfell from Ramsey Bolton

| May 18, 2016 08:42 AM EDT

Jon Snow returns to "Game of Thrones" Season 6 with a new hairstyle.

The path of every main character in the hit series "Game of Thrones" is starting to converge and alliances were fortified in the previous episode entitled "Books of the Stranger." Jon Snow is starting to become a force to be reckoned with while Ramsey Bolton takes over the North.

The episode began with Theon Greyjoy and Sansa Stark finally escaping their pursuers thanks to Brienne. The Stark maiden decided to come with Brienne to Castle Black to seek the help of his brother while Greyjoy decided to return to his homeland, The Iron Islands to seek the help of his sister.

As Snow and Stark reunite, their differences were immediately set aside and they talk about the urgent matter at hand. Stark informs her brother that Bolton has taken over Winterfell and they should reclaim their home with the help of the Wildlings. However, they are currently outnumbered as Bolton has at least 5,000 soldiers while Snow's alliance has around 2,000 men. Stark claims the other clans from the North will help them and the former Lord Commander later on obliges to his sister's plea.

Meanwhile, Tyrion Lannister was left trying to solve the political crisis over at Meereen as he decided to remove the slavery system gradually within seven years, which pleased the masters while Grey Worm and Missandei are not pleased with how things turned out. The other Stark siblings were in action as well as Bran is starting to learn everything from the Tree-Eyed Raven. Arya, meanwhile, was able to redeem herself as her eyesight was returned by the Faceless Man.

Perhaps, the highlight of the episode is Daenerys owning her Dothraki captives by not only killing all the Khals without Jora and Daario but also making the whole tribe bow down to her. Emilia Clarke talked about her nude scene and how thrilled she was during filming.

"It's so exciting, very tingly-making. Every season I get at least one spine-chilling moment. I just stand up and I go, 'I'm hearing what you're all saying, but funny thing, I'm going to kill you all," Clarke told Entertainment Weekly.

In the next episode, Bran is set to encounter the Night's King and this time, the King's magic is said to be able to pierce the veil which protects the young Stark, iDigitalTimes reported. Here is a preview of the next episode.

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