'Spider-Man: Homecoming' spoilers: Vulture's costume will be made from Chitauri technology [VIDEO]; Vincent D'Onoforio clears out Kingpin's appearance in the film!

| May 23, 2016 05:30 AM EDT

Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the "Captain America: Civil War and "Spider-Man: Homecoming" next year.

The latest details for Marvel's "Spider-Man: Homecoming" will feature details on the Vulture's costume and Vincent D'Onoforio clears out Kingpin's appearance in the film.

It seems that the new "Spider-Man" film from Marvel Studios will not only feature Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Tom Holland) facing just one villain, but two in the form of the Adrian Toomes/The Vulture and Phineas Mason/The Tinkerer. The Vulture has been heavily hinted by comic book and movie fans as one of the possible the main villain in the "Spider-Man: Homecoming" second only to Kraven the Hunter.

It is previously hinted that Vulture could be played by "Birdman" star Michael Keaton, but has "passed" on to the project during his several talks from Marvel Studios. However, new details has surfaced that Keaton is in final negotions with the studio and will be playing the Vulture in "Spider-Man: Homecoming" adding to the already impressive cast of Robert Downey Jr., Marisa Tomei, Laura Harrier, Tony Revolori and Zendaya, The Hollywood Reporter reported.

In addition to Keaton playing Vulture, there is also a discription as to how Adrian Toomes will get his costume from in the movier as the Tinkerer will have a hand in making Toomes' oufit based from the Chitauri technology that were scattered and recovered in the battle of New York in the first "Avengers" film, JoBlo reported.

The Tinkerer in the comics, is a brilliant engineer who tinkers and creates all forms of gadgets and weapons from nothing but spare parts. He has been responsible for building and upgrading some of the gears and tech from not just Spider-Man's rogues gallery but from other Marvel villains as well.

In other news, "Jurassic World" and "Daredevil" TV series star Vincent D'Onoforio addressed the rumors regarding Wilson Fisk/Kingpin's rumored participation in "Spider-Man: Homecoming.

D'Onoforio tweeted that he is not aware that he and his character Kingpin is being added to "Spider-Man: Homecoming" and he stated that this is "news" to him. Although, he confirmed that he is not aware of his particpation, D'Onoforio made another tweet stating that if Kingpin were to appear in the movie, he would urge fans to tell Marvel about it.

The Kingpin is the main protagonist in "Daredevil" season 1 on Netflix and has been featured as one the prisoners in season 2. While Kingpin is known as a Daredevil antagonist, he is first featured as a Spider-Man villain in the comics, not to mention other street level heroes.

D'Onoforio's character in the film could also mean a crossover of both Marvel Studios films and TV series for the first time.

"Spider-Man: Homecoming" will be release on July 7, 2017.

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