'The Flash' Season 3 rumors: Main villain will not be a metahuman; Violette Beane tease Jesse Quick's return, Jay Garrick to appear in 'Legends of Tomorow' [VIDEOS]

| May 31, 2016 04:20 AM EDT

The Flash is a CW Network series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns.

The latest details for "The Flash" season 3 will likely feature a non-metahuman main villain, Jesse Quick's return to the show and Jay Garrick to be featured in "Legends of Tomorrow".

Several rumors are making rounds regarding the possible storyline as viewers and fans of the series saw the ending of the season 2 finale were in Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin) travels back in time to period that his mother, Nora (Michelle Harrison) was about to be killed by Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher) during his childhood. Barry successfully saved his mother and defeats Reverse-Flash, but as a result Barry becomes a time remnant as his younger self from season 1 disappeared as a result a new timeline has been created because of his actions.

This led to the speculation that season 3 of "The Flash" will be based from the "Flashpoint" storyline in which Barry saves his mother from getting killed and wakes up in an alternate timeline were in Thomas Wayne Batman instead of Bruce, Superman is capture by the United States government and Wonder Woman and Aquaman wage war that will annihilate the whole world.

So far nothing has been confirmed regarding season 3's possible plot. Cast member Carlos Valdes stated during a panel at MegaCon that season 3 will be "way different" in an exciting way and its that difference that will traject Barry within the show and fans will love it.

When asked about the possible "Flashpoint" plot for the show, Valdes answered by saying that their is a chance of the storyline being present in "The Flash" and people are talking about it. He added that season 3 will honor the original chronology and the original lore, while at the same time providing a new spin on for the show, which he has faith for the fans to like what they see.

As for the main villain for season 3, YouTube channel Emergency Awesome claim that the main "bad guy" that Barry Allen will not be a metahuman as Gustin told DC Entertainment in an interview that he had heard several "whispers" from the production of a non-metahuman villain. Other noted villains that will likely be featured in "The Flash" season 3 could be Gorilla Grodd, Black Flash and Mirror Master.

In other news, it seems that Jesse Chamber Wells will likely return to "The Flash" season 3, but with a twist as vieweres might see Jesse's superhero name Jesse Quick.

Violette Beane stated that she is hoping that Jesse will get a suit and run when she returns to the show, Bustle reported. Beane's character was introduced as the genius daughter of Earth 2 Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), who is being held captive by Hunter Zolomon/Zoom (Teddy Sears). The Flash saved her from Zoom and escaped into Earth 1. Eventually, Jesse along with Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale) were exposed to the dark matter when Team Flash tries to bring Barry's powers and will likely exhibit "Speed Force" powers soon.

Aside from Jesse Quick, John Wesley Shipp teased that his new character Jay Garrick could appear in "Legends of Tomorrow" season 2 as Shipp told Variety that having Jay Garrick in the show could open big possibilities for plot of the show since the ending of season 1 introduce Rex Tyler/Hourman (Patrick J. Adams), who happens to be a member of the Justice Society of America.

Jay Garrick in a founding member of JSA in the comics as Shipp added that he is excited on how will things will go on knowing that JSA will be heavily featured in "Legends of Tomorrow" season 2 and how his presence in Barry Allen/The Flash's life could affect the outcome of "The Flash" season 3.

Comic book fans might expect "The Flash" TV series return on its season 3 in the fall of 2016.

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