‘One Piece’ chapter 828 spoilers and predictions: Pudding to make Nami and Carrot her bridesmaids?

| May 31, 2016 12:18 PM EDT

Luffy, together with his crew, is holding his Jolly Roger.

The inevitable showdown between Monkey D. Luffy and Big Mom is inching closer and in "One Piece" chapter 828, they just may come face to face as the Yonkou already knows that the Straw Hat captain has arrived at her territory, Totland.

Last chapter, Luffy and his comrades finally landed to one of WCI's many territories. Thanks to Pekoms, they were able to bypass the security and roam the island freely. Even before Pekoms can give them reminders, Luffy and Chopper rushed off and immediately made a ruckus as they ate an establishment made of chocolate.

Fortunately, Pudding was the store owner as she let things slide. She was flattered when she heard the two praised her creation. When Pudding asked what their names were, Luffy was quick to tell his which shocked Sanji's soon-to-be wife. Scene shifts to Big Mom, who was seen dancing with strange, animated objects. In the last panel, she remarked that Luffy is finally on her island and it is time to settle their differences.

Now, fans over at Oro Jackson came up with their own "One Piece" chapter 828 spoilers and predictions and the chapter is believed to start with Pudding revealing to the Straw Hat crew that she is the one who is set to marry Sanji. Luffy will be pleased to know that as he is excited about the idea of having two great cooks in his crew.

Purin, however, rejects the offer and says she does not want to be a pirate. Instead, she will just go help Luffy and the others infiltrate the wedding by making Nami and Carrot her bridesmaids. The chapter ends with Sanji meeting his two siblings, Reiju and Yonji.

Meanwhile, fans over at Reddit believe it was Jimbei who reported Luffy's arrival at WCI to Big Mom. This is for him to gain the Yonkou's trust and once Luffy is in a tight pinch, he will be able to intervene and backstab Big Mom. Moreover, once the Straw Hats come face to face with Jimbei, he will act as a coldhearted villain which will also confuse Luffy and the gang.

Here is a review of the previous chapter.

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