Hacking of social media accounts continue; celebrity accounts compromised

| Jun 08, 2016 10:38 PM EDT

Mark Zuckerberg and Mathias Doepfner were at the presentation of the first Axel Springer Award in February in Berlin, Germany.

In May, news broke that millions of LinkedIn logins were being sold online. The account details apparently came from a breach that was done in 2012, affecting some 160 million users. Weeks after the news came out; celebrity accounts are still being compromised, including that of Mark Zuckerberg himself.

Over the weekend, Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter and Pinterest accounts were taken over by the hackers who go into the name OurMine Team, Business Insider reported. The hackers posted using the Facebook CEO's Twitter profile, "Hey, @finkd You were in LinkedIn Database with the password "dadada"! DM for proof." The said post has since been deleted, but some people were able to get a screenshot. OurMine's twitter account (@_OurMine_), meanwhile, was suspended. Of course, they made a new one.

Celebrities such as Katy Perry, Kylie Jenner, Tenancious D, and Keith Richards were also hacked, The Verge reported. They even made a prank saying that Jack Black is dead, which was later denied via Tenancious D with a tweet, "WE had our Twitter account hacked. We can assure you that Jack is ALIVE and WELL and that this was a sick 'prank.'" In one of OurMine Team's recent tweets, they said that they also got David Guetta's accounts.

Not having a secured password is a mistake almost everyone makes. People tend to use the same password across all their social media accounts and other online profiles for easy recall; however, this very practice puts them at risk. To ensure that your account would not be compromised, it is much recommended that you use a different password for each account. This would save your other accounts from being hijacked in case one of them has been breached. A strong password would be a combination of numbers, letters and symbols, and don't recycle passwords you've used before. You can use a password manager if you tend to be forgetful, or just jot them done on a paper that you won't lose. If you haven't changed your passwords for years, now is the best time to do it.

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