Small Chinese Brands Make It Big on

| Jun 12, 2016 09:46 AM EDT

Chinese products earn more in selling over and other online selling platforms.

Small Chinese brands are making big bucks in online selling as a surge of customers from the West appreciate innovative products promoted via the Internet.

According to China Daily, several Chinese businesses are earning more from customers overseas than they do locally.

Apparently, products like chili sauce and ointment for an embarrassing condition are among those Chinese brands that are quickly gaining popularity on

Reviews on the Chinese Brands

China had been known for its herbs and spices that are used both in the kitchen and for the sick.

While they may be a rare find in the West, these products surprisingly hold the spotlight in one of the biggest online selling platforms worldwide.

"The person who created this stuff should receive a Nobel Prize, front row seats at the Olympics, an entire stable of miniature giraffes, and free Ivy League education for their children," an user wrote in a review of the Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment Cream.

While the product is considered a small brand in China, it gained a 4.3 out of 5 rating in Amazon and even collected 1,000 comments in the website.

"This magic cream will make you whole again," another user commented. "You will not shift endlessly in your work chair while attempting to crush the evil troll living in your rectum. You will not wince at the thought of having to go potty. Now, I waltz right in the men's room and proudly purge burrito with cheese of last night, and I don't flinch."

Some even praised China for being the home of such effective remedy.

The Reason Behind the Popularity

Like the ointment, China is also making its way to the top tech developers of the world, with Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi taking the lead.

Natalie Simon, a PhD student in Paris who recently became a fan of the company, explained her theory on why the Chinese company is performing well.

"I searched the Internet for a smartphone with outperforming camera function and Xiaomi came into my spotlight," she said. "Users gave impressive reviews, not only in its camera but the overall performance."

Simon also noted the Chinese phone's price, which is seven times cheaper than the popular iPhone.

Aside from the products, the sudden surge in online buyers of Chinese products from the United States may also have something to do with the entrepreneur's innovative thinking.

Featured in the Internet Retailer, Anker, a Chinese startup manufacturer, became Amazon's no. 1 bestseller, earning the company over $100 million in worldwide revenue in 2014.

The rating provided by consumers for Anker's products are at 4.9 out of 5.0, which means they are very satisfied with the brand.

According to Anker Vice President Gao Tao, the reason why Americans prefer their products over others is the quality.

"We have more than 100 engineers working in product development department," Gao said. "Many of them have work experience at leading international hardware companies, including Huawei, Siemens and JBL. That ensures that Anker always uses leading technology and advanced technology standards when producing our products."

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