Leaked ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6, Eps. 8-10 Spoilers Suggest Jon Snow is a Targaryen, Key Character Deaths & Crowning of New Westeros Ruler

| Jun 10, 2016 10:23 PM EDT

Kit Harington plays the character of Jon Snow in HBO's "Game of Thrones."

By this time, "Game of Thrones' fans are fully aware of the titles of the last three episodes of Season 6 as the juicy details have been leaked out and somehow confirmed by HBO. But thanks to Reddit, tons of spoilers followed the leaks that pretty much confirmed some of the popular rumors and fan theories. 

As speculated and with grudging confirmation from HBO, Episode 8 is "No One", Episode 9 is "The Battle of the Bastards" and the season finale or Episode 10 is aptly titled "The Winds of Winter". The GoT producer also revealed that the last three broadcasts will be longer than the past episodes with number 10 stretching to nearly 70 minutes of running time.

And the extended time seems to indicate of too many things to unpack, which according to iDigitalTimes have been generously hinted in now deleted Reddit posts. Thankfully though, the GoT spoilers were already preserved prior to the removal and below are some of the most dramatic revelations:

Epic battles and blood spills

The show will spill more blood than ever as Cersei and the Lannisters will try to end the reign of the High Sparrow and his Faith Militant army. But the much-awaited duel between The Mountain and The Hound will have to wait as the Trial by Combat will not be permitted by the High Sparrow and overtaken by attempts of opposing armies to take control of King's Landing.

Jaime will overrun Riverrun, leaving behind more dead bodies that include Blackfish. Edmure Tully and Podrick, Brianne's squire, are candidates too for violent exit but no confirmation was given on the same Reddit posts cited by the iDigitalTimes report.

Then there's the Battle Bowl or The Battle of the Bastards that will pit two Snows - Jon and Ramsay. The winner will be the Stark bastard but it will be a bitter sweet victory.

Deaths - expected and unexpected

First to fall is Rickon Stark and GoT fans can again hate Ramsay Bolton for this heartbreaker. But Ramsay will finally taste defeat at the hands of Jon Snow, who will disappoint by choosing to throw Bolton in jail instead of making him suffer before execution.

Ser Davos will finally know that the Red Woman Melisandre caused the death of Shireen, princess to Stannis Baratheon, and his reaction is likely to deliver justice by cutting down the Red Priestess.

And Tommen, the boy ruler of Westeros and the last of Cersei's children, will die by committing suicide that will only intensify the power struggle in the Seven Kingdoms. Who will ascend the Iron Throne after?

Targaryen blood inside of Jon Snow

The Winds of Winter will set the stage for the imminent battle between Man and the White Walkers. The army of the undead is led by the Night's King while Jon Snow will lead the valiant stand to keep winter from blanketing the land. As if suggesting that Snow is fated to save man, the Reddit post claimed that Jon is of royal origin - a Targaryen in fact.

"We see Lyanna Stark ... Lyanna whispers something to Ned before she dies. We then see a baby, and the very next scene we see Jon," read the iDigitalTimes report that indicated a Tower of Joy flashback scene.

Jon's father was Rhaegar Targaryen, which only reinforces his claim to the Westeros crown and somehow answers the question of succession following Tommen's death.

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