Vitamin deficiencies can cause migraines; Watching for these 3 signs of vitamin deficiency can help avoid health complications

| Jun 11, 2016 01:35 AM EDT

Vitamin deficiencies can cause migraines; Watching for these 3 signs of vitamin deficiency can help avoid health complications

According to a new study, individuals who are more likely to have migraines are also likely to have mild deficiencies in coenzyme Q10, riboflavin and vitamin D.

Scientists at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center examined data on people with migraine and checked their baseline blood levels of folate, coenzyme Q10, riboflavin (B-2) and vitamin D.

They found that 15% of study participants have riboflavin levels below the normal reference range. About 30% of participants had levels of CoQ10 at the low end of the normal reference range. Lower vitamin D was observed in almost 70% of study participants.

Scientists discovered that people with chronic migraines were more likely to have deficiencies in coenzyme Q10 than people who had episodic migraines. Young ladies and girls were more likely to have CoQ10 deficiencies at baseline than young males and boys. Also, young males and boys were more likely to have deficiency in vitamin D, Daily Mail reported.

Earlier studies have shown that specific vitamins and vitamin deficiencies may be essential in the migraine process. However, studies that have used vitamins to prevent migraines have had conflicting success.

A few studies have demonstrated that a migraine raises the risk of mortality and heart disease in ladies. No studies have found the actual cause of migraines.

Suzanne Hagler, lead author of the study, said that more studies are required to explain whether vitamin supplementation is effective in people with migraine in general, and whether people with mild deficiency are more likely to benefit from vitamin supplementation.

Watching for these 3 signs of vitamin deficiency can help people avoid health complications.

Leg Cramps

Muscle cramping is usually a sign of vitamin deficiency, and this frequently shows up as nighttime leg cramps. People should consider their intake of vitamin B12, vitamin D and calcium to see if they may be lacking some essential nutrients.


Anemia is generally linked with iron deficiency. However, deficiencies in folic acid or vitamin B12 can also cause anemia, WebMD reported. If people have been feeling inexplicably tired recently, or experience symptoms such as spooning of the fingernails, in which the nails take on a concave appearance, they may be experiencing anemia.

Changes In Nails, Skin or Hair

If a person's nails were once strong and hard, but have suddenly begun cracking or splitting, it can be a sign of missing nutrients. Also, if a person's hair suddenly begins falling out, or becomes brittle or weak, or their skin becomes irritated and dry, this could indicate a deficiency. Nutrients that may be lacking include omega fatty acids and B vitamins.

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