‘Fairy Tail’ chapter 489 spoilers: August decimates Natsu's team; Irene reveals new era of magic

| Jun 14, 2016 03:39 AM EDT

Erza is seen wearing one of her armors.

Things are about to get heated as the strongest Spriggan 12 members, August and Irene, are ready to unleash their full strength against their respective opponents. Also, it seems like Mavis will be free from the crystal that holds her body.

In "Fairy Tail" chapter 488, Gajeel finally paid for the price of absorbing Ethernano and got absorbed by a portal. Levi tried to rescue the Iron Dragon Slayer but she was stopped by Panther Lily. Eventually, he was absorbed completely, leaving Levi and Lily helpless.

Also, Acnologia and Irene finally made contact, with the Chaos Dragon remarking that only six Dragon Slayers remain. The Chaos Dragon remarked that he has no business with Irene and he also wondered if the woman can even last a minute against him. Up to the challenge, Irene prepared to make her move against her opponent.

Meanwhile, Natsu's team along with Brandish finally made contact with August. Apparently, the strongest member of the Spriggan 12 was open to what Brandish had to say and just when everybody thought the conversation was going smoothly, Brandish stabbed the elderly man with a sword. It was Mest who mind-controlled Brandish for a brief moment and this immediately prompted August to retaliate.

Now, early spoiler photos for "Fairy Tail" chapter 489 surfaced online courtesy of Manga Mint and it looks like Natsu and the team will be up against an enraged August. His powers are yet to be revealed but it seems like his magic is transformation type. In the next page, August is seen unleashing powerful blasts that blew Natsu and the gang away.

Also, Cana is successful in releasing Mavis Vermillion from the crystal that holds her body. It would be interesting to see if she will join in the battle and who she is going to fight. Also, Acnologia seems surprised with Irene's unique magic. It is said to be a magic that has yet to exist and she labeled it as new era of magic. Everyone was blinded by the light it produced and it seems like Zeref is the only one aware of its full extent.

Despite Irene's effort, Acnologia will easily defeat the Spriggan 12 members as speculated by fans over at Reddit. Also, Mavis is believed to go face-to-face with Zeref and more mysteries from the past will be unveiled.

Here is a review of the previous chapter.

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