‘Hunter X Hunter’ chapter 358 spoilers and predictions: Hisoka and Kurapika alliance inbound to take down Phantom Troupe?

| Jun 14, 2016 03:11 PM EDT

Hunter X Hunter is a manga series created by Yoshihiro Togashi.

In a shocking turn of events, Hisoka survived Chrollo's onslaught thanks to one of his secret techniques. However, his survival means the end for the Phantom Troupe as he swore to himself that he will take down all of its members.

Now, it would be interesting to see if Hisoka will do his quest for vengeance alone or team-up with someone with the same goal in Kurapika. It is worth noting that Kurapika's grudge against the Troupe remains relentless after they killed and took the eyes of the Kuruta clan and sold it all at auctions.

In "Hunter X Hunter" chapter 358, Hisoka was cornered by Chrollo's puppet and received lethal damage. The whole arena was also in ruins and it caused massive panic. Chrollo made his way out of the venue and immediately contacted his subordinates.

However, Machi tried to revive him as a token of gratitude for helping them out in some of their major missions. Little did she know that Hisoka was able to secure his vital organs using his abilities and he was revived at that moment. She was shocked but still went on to stitch his wounds. With Hisoka back in top shape, he immediately restrained her movements and wanted her to tell the rest of the Phantom Troupe to run for their lives.

Hisoka claims the first casualty in Kortopi by beheading him and right after, he was able to slay Shalnark as well. To add insult to injury, he left the corpse of both Troupe members for crows to devour. Enraged, the battle-hungry jester made it his goal to slay all members of the Phantom Troupe.

The events in "Hunter X Hunter" chapter 358 are expected to intensify as Hisoka continues his pursuit for other members while Chrollo moves on to another journey. However, Hisoka is not expected to accomplish his goal alone after seeing how far his gap is with the Troupe leader, Sportsrageous reported.

Meanwhile, it is believed that Hisoka will now go after two of the strongest members, Feitan and Phinks, HOF Mag reported. With both of those guys out of the picture, it may be easier for Hisoka to get rid of the other members, whose ranks are lower compared to the two.

Here is a recap of the previous chapter.

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