'Destiny 2,' 'Rise of Iron' release date news update: Sequel under production; release date moved to 2017?

| Jun 14, 2016 11:29 PM EDT

Activision has confirmed that it will roll out an expansion for 'Destiny' in 2016 and release 'Destiny 2' in 2017.

Since the day Bungie has confirmed the release date for Destiny's "Rise of Iron" DLC, the fans have started to look forward to the official announcement for the game's sequel, a hit first-person shooter game, "Destiny 2".

The American video game developer, Bungie, has confirmed that "Destiny 2" is already under production. Initially, the sequel was rumored to be released in 2016. However, now the target released date has been shifted to 2017, according to PC Advisor. The release date has been moved because "Rise of Iron" DLC is taking the sequel's spot.

Since the time of its release in 2014, "Destiny" remains one of the most talked about games of all times. The game offered a new first-person shooter, specially crafted by Bungie and was welcomed by huge masses of gamers who use PS3, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox 360 to satisfy their gaming needs.

Activision Publishing recently announced the release of a major expansion in 2016, followed by a sequel next year. The world's first independent developer and distributor of video games for gaming consoles works with Bungie.

According to the American video game publisher, more than 25 million players around the world have together logged more than 3 billion hours playing "Destiny" since the time of its launch in 2014. Feeling extremely proud of the statistics, Activision stated this fact, as a part of its note to the investors.

Bungie Game director Chris Barrett confirmed to the Express that a team at the company is currently play-testing "Rise of Iron," which is speculated to release on Sept. 20, 2016. The major expansion will be made available for PS4 and Xbox One. The Xbox360 and PS3users will have to upgrade their device if they wish to enjoy the new expansion in $30.

Barrett further said that currently three teams are working on three different projects. One team is working on the live game, the second one of working on the development of the "Rise of Iron," while the third one is working on the future content.

According to Barrett, the upcoming "Rise of Iron" has great new secrets and content to explore. In addition, it has a big area to explore, a feature that will be loved by almost all its fans desperately waiting for the expansion.

The following video examines the five things that fans would like to see in "Destiny 2":

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