Couples Who Don't Want Children 'Selfish People': Absolute Catholic Sovereign Pope Francis

| Feb 12, 2015 01:14 PM EST

Pope Francis

To Pope Francis, all couples who prefer not to bear children of their own are "selfish" people who belong to a "greedy generation". The Pope added that only a "depressed society" could say that children are a burden to carry.

The pontiff made these remarks to a large crowd during his weekly St. Peter's Square general audience. In his own way of addressing his crowd, he said life is rejuvenated when children are born and they enrich it even more.

Pope Francis said, "A society with a greedy generation, that doesn't want to surround itself with children, that considers them above all worrisome, a weight, a risk, is a depressed society," Guardian reported.

"'The choice to not have children is selfish. Life rejuvenates and acquires energy when it multiplies: It is enriched, not impoverished," the first Jesuit pope added.

Meanwhile, the Pope apologized for offending Catholic families by saying there is no need for people to "breed like rabbits."

The Argentine Pope caused the larger Catholic families to be dismayed when he touched the "responsible parenthood" topic advising couples that three children is enough.

Giovanni Becciu, the Vatican Archbishop, apologized on behalf of his Holiness by saying, "the Pope is sincerely sorry for his remarks about large families.

During his press conference while on his flight back from a papal visit in the Philippines, he uttered the words, "Some think that in order to be good Catholics we have to be like rabbits. No. Responsible parenthood."

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