'The Flash' Season 3 spoilers: Carlos Valdes tease Mirror Master appearance; Episode 1 title confirms 'Flashpoint' plot [VIDEOS]

| Jun 21, 2016 01:30 AM EDT

The Flash is a CW Network series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns.

The latest details for "The Flash" season 3 will feature Mirror Master added to the show and episode 1 of the show confirms "Flashpoint" plot.

It seems that the main plot for "The Flash" seaon 2 has been confirmed as TV series star Grant Gustin tweeted that episode title will be called "Flashpoint" and the plot will likely be the CW Network's version of the comic book storyline. Before Gustin announced the title, he has read the script of episode 1 of season 3, but jokingly does not want to reveal the title, however, showrunner Greg Berlanti tweeted that he is "cool" with him telling everyone.

In the DC comics version of "Flashpoint", Barry Allen's wakes up in an alternate reality without his powers and his shock to see that his mother, Nora is alive and well. This reality however, has some dire consequences as Thomas Wayne is Batman after his son Bruce died in crime alley instead of him and Martha Wayne, Superman has been captured by the government and Wonder Woman and Aquaman are at war with each other that will likely destroy the world and all of this happened when Barry went back in time to prevent his mother's death.

Viewers and comic fans who have seen the season 2 finale of "The Flash" saw Barry Allen/The Flash (Gustin) went back in time and stopped Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher) from killing his mother, as a result the younger Barry from season 1 who attempted to stop Thawne in the first place saw the whole thing and disappeared thus the present Barry became a time remnant.

Co-star Carlos Valdes once teased that parts of season 3 will feature references from "The Flashpoint" during a panel at the MegaCon event. Valdes added that the third season will be very unique and different which will honor the original lore, but will have their own spin with it, ComicBook reported.

As for the new villains entering season 3 of "The Flash" TV series, Valdes suggested that the showrunners introduce Mirror Master into the show and teased several special effects to make the character believable to the viewers, MonkeysFightingRobots reported.

Mirror Master is one of the popular villains in The Flash comics and is prominent member of the Rogues along with Captain Cold, Heat Wave, Weather Wizard etc. He has a mirror gun which enables him to open a dimension from mirrors.

"The Flash" season 3 will premiere on Oct. 4 at 8pm on the CW Network.

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