‘One Piece’ chapter 830 spoilers and predictions: Big Mom's Devil Fruit ability absorbs and transfers life force?

| Jun 21, 2016 10:07 AM EDT

Charlotte Linlin is one of the four Yonkous in the hit anime manga, "One Piece."

"One Piece" chapter 830 is expected to come out on Thursday and the much-awaited wedding of Sanji Vinsmoke and Big Mom's daughter, Pudding is now underway. Meanwhile, Jimbei have something to reveal to the Yonkou that may put his life in jeopardy.

In the previous chapter, Luffy and company finally set off to Whole Cake Island thanks to Pudding's secret map. However, they sailed without Pekoms who did not left any notice on his whereabouts. Also, Pedro revealed that he has been to Totland once. On their way to WCI, they were confronted by a gigantic sea monster.

Scene shifted to Big Mom thrashing an island. Apparently, she has an eating disorder which makes her lose control until her cravings get satisfied. This time, she was asking for Croquembouche, a delicacy made of cream puffs. Her henchmen had a hard time looking for such dessert and even her son, Charlotte Muscat, was unable to calm his mother and also suffered the wrath of the outraged pirate.

Fortunately, Jimbei came to the rescue with the treat Big Mom was looking for. Regaining her senses, Big Mom thanked Jimbei for his effort. But, her mood shifted quickly once again after Jimbei said that there is something he wanted to tell the Yonko.

Fans got a glimpse of Big Mom's Devil Fruit when she took the life out of her son. She seems to have the ability to absorb life and turn it to her own life force. Fans over at Oro Jackson believe that this is also the reason why she can give life to inanimate objects. Also, this ability could probably extend her lifespan.

As for Jimbei, fans believe he has a plan on mind that will save the Straw Hats later on. What he is about to tell Big Mom is Luffy's whereabouts, which will likely put Luffy's crew to prison. For the captain of the Sun Pirates, this is better than Luffy clashing with Big Mom head on, which may end up bad for the Straw Hat captain.

Meanwhile, fans over at Reddit think Big Mom's devil fruit is Witch Witch Fruit, wherein she can use any magic that is linked to witchcraft. Here is a recap of the previous chapter.

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