Sex Doll Market, Valued at 100 Billion Yuan, Booms in China

| Jun 22, 2016 06:55 AM EDT

The World's Most Realistic Love Dolls

Because of China’s gender imbalance due to the 30-year one-child policy in which men outnumber women by about 3 million, it is inevitable that the situation would lead to a boom in the sex doll industry. It explains why a tech startup offered sex dolls in January as bonus to its single male employees in lieu of cash.

However, not all buyers of the doll purchase it for sexual purposes. Dailystar reported that Song Bo, a known doll fan in China, bought one when he was diagnosed with a cyst in his head. For Song Bo, he considers the doll his daughter.

Beijing residents said that they see Song Bo spending time with the doll in parks and riding on the underground.

However, for 36-year-old stock broker Zhang Fan, the doll is his female version. He buys her jewelry and clothes and takes selfies with her in the park or the street where they are often spotted. Although Zhang Fan’s parents tolerates his fondness for the doll, they still insist he eventually marry a real woman.

In the case of 58-year-old Li Chen, a doll helped him move on from his divorce 12 years ago. After the sex doll brought back his confidence and helped him feel young, Li Chen will marry soon a 24-year-old real female person, reported Daily Mail.

But some Chinese males already consider the sex doll their life partners that, a business-to-business sex toy platform, estimates China’s sex toy market is worth at least 100 billion yuan, reported Japan Times.

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