Feng Shui Charlatan Dupes Hong Kong Woman into Having Sex 4 Times

| Jun 24, 2016 10:57 AM EDT

Feng Shui

In many scams involving sex and money, most of the victims are men who are willing to spend so much when offered sexual service online. In January, a joint investigation by Chinese and Singaporean police led to the busting of the credit-for-sex syndicate based in China which had cheated Singaporean men 7.3 million yuan.

However, it was the other way around in the case of a Hong Kong designer and a 25-year-old woman. The South China Morning Post reported on Tuesday that 43-year-old Joey Lo Wai-leuk faced in the District Court a woman who accused him of duping her into having sex so she could save her shaky relationship with her boyfriend.

Lo, who claims to know feng shui and astrology, told the victim – who testified behind a screen to hide her identity – he could borrow spiritual beings’ knife which he would use to call the spirit of her estranged boyfriend.

The boyfriend’s spirit would then possess Lo while the designer and the woman are having sexual intercourse. It was a religious ritual which Lo said would be more effective if the woman would give him her photos in sexy nightwear and of her genitals.

She complied, leading to four times they had sex in 2014, between March and December, at Ming Dao Hotel in Tsuen Wan. The victim initially thought what they did was working because her boyfriend, who was caught speeding before the first encounter, was not longer caught after that.

However, when Lo assaulted the woman in 2015, it caused her to be suspicious and she reported it to the police which set up an entrapment operation that led to Lo’s arrest in June 2015.

For each session, the woman even paid Lo not lower than HK$1,000. He was charged with four counts of procuring unlawful sexual acts by false pretense which Lo fled a “not guilty” plea.

She also filed one count of indecent assault against Lo for molesting her on May 14, 2015, at Victoria Park in Causeway Bay. But he also denied the accusation.

Because of the many commands or requirements made by so-called feng shui practitioners which appear to be ridiculous or nonsense, other people think feng shui or geomancy is just hocus-pocus. One former feng shui expert, Tong Chan Chun-chuen of Hong Kong, called Chinese feng shui fake and devilish, reported Crossmap.

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