Resident Evil 7 Biohazard is not a reboot, no more quick time events

| Jun 27, 2016 04:41 AM EDT

"Resident Evil 7: Biohazard" is a survival horror video game developed by Capcom for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Capcom seems to have listened to the outcry of the players as they finally fix most of the problems in their new Resident Evil 7 Biohazard title which will focus more on horror than combat.

The Resident Evil franchise started off great with players feeling a sense of dread and fear of what lurks in the next door or corner. However, the sequels and even the movies moved to completely different directions that made the franchise murky and confusing.

When Capcom finally unveiled the new Resident Evil 7 Biohazard title at the E3 2016 event, more people were surprised to see they are finally coming back to the roots of the franchise. Critics still say that they are taking a page out of the Silent Hill book because of the similarities but more are glad that they are finally making a proper horror game.

Game director Koshi Nakanishi said in an interview with Capcom Unity that the new RE7 game will not be a reboot of the franchise, WCCFTech has learned. Nakanashi said that the new Biohazard title will still be a sequel to the "existing mainline series."

"After I say that and you try the demo, you may say "Really?", because it looks nothing like any of that, but trust me. We need to have a bit of mystery in survival horror, so we're trying to make you wonder when you play it how could this possibly be connected? That's part of the appeal," said Nakanashi.

Besides the overall feel of the game, many were also surprised to see a change in the perspective of the player. The developers said that they wanted to let people experience horror in the "most direct" way possible hence the first person perspective instead of the previous third-person.

Another huge change also brings relief to those who already played RE titles in the past. Producer Masachika Kawata said that the Resident Evil 7 will not have the annoying quick time events, PC Gamer reported. Players will no longer be interrupted by the action scenes.

Capcom will be releasing the Resident Evil on January 24, 2017. It will be available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation VR, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows PC.

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