'One Piece' chapter 831 spoilers and predictions: Luffy crashes Big Mom and Jimbei's little game?

| Jun 29, 2016 06:42 AM EDT

Charlotte Linlin is one of the four Yonkous in the hit anime manga, "One Piece."

Jimbei finally confronted Big Mom about his intention to join the Straw Hat pirates but it looks like his departure would not be taken lightly. Meanwhile, Luffy noticed that someone is waiting for them at the shores of Whole Cake Island.

Upon hearing Jimbei's request to leave her crew, Big Mom immediately asked for her roulette table which will decide what Jimbei have to sacrifice in return. Hence, fans over at Oro Jackson speculate on what will be the Sun Pirates captain fate in the upcoming chapter. User Sonnua believe the numbers represent the number of life years the fish-man will lose, middle means he will lose nothing and the one with Big Mom's face will be something special.

The one waiting on the cape is Pudding, who informs them that Sanji's father is now on the island, which makes it hard for her to rescue the Straw Hat cook. Also, she tells Luffy that Jimbei's life is in jeopardy, which makes the Straw Hat captain rush to where his comrade is. He splits the team into two, with him going alone and the rest going after Sanji.

Fans over at Reddit came up with a different scenario once the Straw Hats land on Whole Cake Island. Pudding will be there for a different reason and that is to hand over a new map to the castle. Pedro will part ways with them for the meantime to steal the Road Poneglyph. Scene shifts to Sanji who is shocked when his father walked into his room. Chapter ends with reinforcements from Kaidou's crew who plans on rescuing Jack.

As a quick refresher on the previous chapter, Jimbei asked for the blessing of his crew to leave as he declared his intent to join Luffy's crew. Everyone agreed and even said that it is time for him to follow his heart. However, Big Mom's daughter and Aladine's wife, Charlotte Praline arrived and said Jimbei will suffer a serious consequence should he proceed with his plan.

Despite the warning, Jimbei went on and told Big Mom his intent to leave. Big Mom agreed but Jimbei would not come out of her doors the same way again. Meanwhile, Luffy and the gang finally arrived at WCI.

Here is a recap of the previous chapter.

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