'Suicide Squad' spoilers: Scott Easwood's character name leaked; Official movie run time will be at 131 minutes!

| Jun 29, 2016 03:10 AM EDT

Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn in "Suicide Squad"

New details and possible spoilers for "Suicide" Squad" the movie will feature Scott Eastwood's possible character name leaked and the film's official run time.

it seems that the run time for "Suicide Squad" has been announced as the DC comics movie will run at atleast 130 minutes, which is 2 hours and 10 mins, Collider reported. "Suicide Squad" will be 20 minutes shorter than the run time of "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" at 151 minutes and "The Dark Knight" at 152 minutes. It is also in par with "V for Vendetta" at 131 minutes and longer than the "Jonah Hex" movie at 81 minutes.

Aside from the film's run time, director David Ayer tweeted that "Suicide Squad" is already finished with its final mix and coloring. Now they are preparing to show it to the world on its premiere night and offcial cinema release and claimed that it is a "beast".

In other news, a new theory revealed about Scott Easwood's character in the "Suicide Squad" movie. Eastwood's character is a part of Rick Flag's (Joel Kinnaman) military unit along with Ike Barenholtz's character and he is seen working with the team on their mission.

Several theories speculated that Eastwood's character is someone from the DC comics rather than a random nameless character as fans think that he is the DC Extended Universe's version of Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Roy Harper/Arsenal/Red Arrow or the Unknown Soldier.

However, on the Wikipedia page of Suicide Squad, Eastwood role was revealed to be Nemesis, a character who is briefly seen in the "Justice League: Unlimited" series and several comic book issues, ScreenGeek reported.

His real name is Thomas Andrew Tesser and took the vigilante identity of Nemesis in order to clear his brother's name, Craig after being brainwashed and forced to kill his whole family, Nemesis teamed up with Batman to solve the case. Although, the character name was eventually removed from the Wikipedia page, fans are still curious if Eastwood's character is confirmed to be Nemesis since it was removed all of a sudden, thus making the claim even stronger.

Previous reports revealed that Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) will likely have a cameo appearance in "Suicide Squad" movie due to the extended cutscene in "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" Ultimate Edition. Not to mention possible spin-off movies from characters like The Joker (Jared Leto) and Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie).

"Suicide Squad" will be release in cinemas on Aug. 5.

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