Beijing Police Authorities Face Charges Over Death of Man in Custody

| Jul 02, 2016 08:45 AM EDT

A man was reported to have allegedly died while he was in the custody of Beijing police officers.

Beijing prosecutors announced on Thursday that two of the five police officers who are currently under investigation for the death of a man in their custody are already facing charges, Shanghai Daily reported.

The police figures were charged with dereliction of duty after they were reported to be acting improperly while detaining the man, identified to be Lei Yang, 29.

An autopsy showed that Lei's death was caused by asphyxia "due to inhalation of content from stomach into the respiratory system," the article said.

Apart from the officers' inappropriate behavior, they are also suspected of obstructing an investigation follow-up.

Lei was first caught on May 7 when the police held an anti-prostitution raid at massage parlor in Beijing's Changping District.

Police noted that shortly after the incident, he had been violently resisting authorities, leading to a point when he felt already sick. Police added that Lei died in spite of receiving emergency treatment at a hospital.

On May 17, Lei's wife demanded an investigation from Beijing prosecutors to check on the police officers who took part in the raid. Some of her accusations included power abuse, faking of evidence and causing of intentional injury.

In an online post on Jieman, a news website, it was said that the wife saw her husband's body and face covered in scars and bruises. She also found out that he had a swollen testicle when she went to the hospital where Lei received treatment.

Prosecutors from the Chinese capital kicked off the probe into the involved police officers on June 1.

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