‘Game of Thrones’ (GoT) Season 7 episode 1 (premiere) airdate, possible spoilers: What happens when the show returns and what we know so far

| Jul 03, 2016 01:17 PM EDT

‘Game of Thrones’ (GoT) Season 7 premiere delayed? Expect major character death, ultimate confrontation and powerful union when the show returns [Spoilers]

Following the explosive Season 6 finale, fans are eager to find out what happens in "Game of Thrones" (GoT) Season 7. Rumours and speculations suggest HBO's megahit series based on George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Fire and Ice" series is approaching its finishing line. The upcoming episodes will see the beginning of the final act of the story. Here is everything we know so far about Season 7 including rumoured spoilers and plot details. Read on to find out episode 1 airdate and what to expect when the show returns.

[Spoiler alert! This article contains spoilers for "Game of Thrones" (GoT) Season 6 finale and potential spoilers for Season 7 premiere. Do not read further if you don't wish to know more about it.]

"Game of Thrones" (GoT) Season 6 finale "The Winds of Winter" ended with Cersei destroying the Sept of Baelor with Wildfire, killing High Sparrow and taking the Iron Throne. Meanwhile, Tommen jumped to death and Jon Snow became the King in the North. Arya murdered Walder Frey and Bran's vision reveals Lyanna is Jon Snow's mother. And Daenerys along with her armies and dragons head to Westeros to accomplish her ultimate goal.

When "Game of Thrones" (GoT) Season 7 episode 1 goes on air it is expected to pick up from where Season 6 left off. In the absence of source material, there is not much known about the plot of the upcoming seasons. Meanwhile, it is said to be one of the shortest seasons in the series. In an interview with Variety, showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss said that the show is only left with 13 episodes; seven episodes for Season 7 and six for Season 8. And in an interview with Deadline, Benioff revealed that they planned to tell the whole story about 70-75 hours since the beginning.

"From pretty close to the beginning, we talked about doing this in 70-75 hours, and that's what we'll end up with. Call it 73 for now," Benioff said.

The cast and crew of "Game of Thrones" (GoT) Season 7 is pretty much decided. Fans know that Emilia Clarke (Daenerys), Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage), Lena Headey (Cersei), Sophie Turner (Sansa), Maisie Williams (Arya), Kit Harington (Jon Snow) will reprise their roles. In the meantime, Entertainment Weekly revealed the names of directors signed on for Season 7. According to the website, Alan Taylor, Jeremy Podeswa, Mark Mylod and Matt Shakman will be helming the upcoming episodes. And Michele Clapton will return as a costume designer.

As for the plot, George R.R. Martin's final book "The Winds of Winter" in "A Song of Ice and Fire" series is rumoured to be the basis of the upcoming episodes' storylines. However, some digression is expected.

Meanwhile, several media outlets are speculating that "Game of Thrones" (GoT) Season 7 will see The Wall cracking down as the White Walkers approach Westeros, the ultimate fight for the Iron Throne and the big revelation about Jon Snow's father.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Cersei and Daenerys will clash. In the North, a war between Jon Snow and the Night King might come into play. Fans anticipate seeing ultimate Stark reunion wherein Jon Snow, Sansa, Arya, and Bran come together.

Also, fans must prepare for some big revelations as Samwell Tarly finds the way to the massive library in Citadel at Oldtown. Season 7 may also showcase the collapse of The Wall providing an entry to the bigger enemy, the White Walkers. In addition, "Game of Thrones" (GoT) Season 7 will reveal what kind of ruler will Cersei make.

"Not to give a frustrating answer, but that's what so much of next season is going to be about; finding out what Cersei's mindset is. Who is she? While Cersei has certainly done a lot of horrible things in her life and she could be a very cruel person, the one thing that was redemptive about her was that she genuinely loved her children. Now they're all gone, and I think that is very interesting for us. Who is she without her children? The answer is something you'll find out next season," D.B Weiss told Deadline.

So when will "Game of Thrones" (GoT) Season 7 premiere? Episode 1 is expected to go on air in spring 2017. While HBO is yet to reveal the release date, it is rumoured that the show will air sometime in mid or late April 2017. Stay tuned, more spoilers and updates are expected soon. 

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