iPad price, performance guide: Between iPad Pro, iPad Mini 4, iPad Air 2, which is best in price and perfomance?

| Jul 11, 2016 03:52 AM EDT

Apple, with the release of its recent ad seems adamant on pitching iPad Pro as a computer.

With iPad Pro, iPad Mini 4, and iPad Air 2, Apple has managed to keep its competitors at bay with performance and price. However, it is usually a dilemma for many iPad shoppers when it comes to balancing the two. Here is a guide:

A few years back, buying an Apple tablet was quite easy as the only choice available was the iPad. But now, the story is entirely different because the iPad branched to iPad Pro, iPad Air, and iPad Mini.

Among them, the best models currently are iPad Pro 9.7-inch and 12.9-inch, iPad Mini 4, and iPad Air 2. However, the price range between the three tablets can be quite daunting despite their satisfying performance.

For instance, statistics on Apple's website show that the prices of iPad Pro base models start from $599 for 9.7-inch and $799 for the 12-inch, reaching a maximum of $1029 for the 9.7-inch and $1299 for the 12.9-inch. These exclude the prices of iPad Pro's accessories such Apple Pencils and smart keyboards.

On the other hand, both the prices of the iPad Mini 4 and iPad Air 2 start from $399 for the base models. And when compared to the iPad Pro, this is a generous price. Nonetheless, when it comes to performance, iPad Mini 4 and iPad Air 2 are only perfect for tasks like browsing the web and reading emails.

Beyond that, one would have to go for the more powerful tablet, which, in this case, is the iPad Pro. According to Auto Mobile, the tablet is capable of carrying out tasks with the same performance that one would do on a laptop.

Hence, if one wants to go for budget, the iPad Pro is out of the picture as it has a heavy price tag. A prospective buyer wishing to save money and get a great tablet would have to go for the iPad Mini 4 and iPad Air 2.

As for portability, the iPad Pro is again left out due to its larger weight, leaving iPad Mini 4 and iPad Air as the only players in this area.

Here is an iPad Pro review:

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