Pokèmon GO cheats, tips and tricks: Where to find legendary Pokèmons Mewtwo, Arceus, Lugia and more [PHOTOS]

| Jul 12, 2016 12:50 AM EDT

Pokèmon GO cheats, tips and tricks: Where to find legendary Pokèmons

Pokèmon GO cheats, tips and tricks are rife online and players are eager to come across legendary Pokèmons.

Legendary Pokèmons like Lugia, Celebi and Ho-Oh are sought after by gamers because of their rarity and CP or power level. Catching a legendary Pokèmon is no easy feat and seeing one is not an easy task either.

If you are tired of catching all those Zubats, below are the 13 possible locations of where you can find legendary Pokèmons like Mew, Arceus, Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos, and more.

Mewtwo - Times Square, New York

Based on the Pokèmon GO trailer, Mewtwo is spotted in Times Square in New York. However, this is an ideal location as in the anime, Mewtwo is seen looking over skyscrapers.

Mew - Banteay Srei, Cambodia

Mew is a free soul and pops up in various locations, but its home is in the ruins. The Ancient Temples seemed to be the perfect setting for Mew.

Articuno - Vatnajokull Glacier, Iceland

One of the legendary birds, Articuno, may be found in an ice cave. Articuno beats dragon-type Pokèmons.

Zapdos - Any powerplant

Another legendary bird, Zapdos, is probably the closest to home as it may be present in any electrical power plant.

Moltres - Mt. Carmel, Israel

Moltres is most likely to be found in Mt. Carmel around the Red Caves in Israel because of its magnificent red hues.

Legendary Beasts - Toji Temple in Kyoto, Japan

There are high chances of catching the formidable three legendary beasts with Earth, Fire and Electric abilities in Japan.

Ho-Oh - Toji Temple in Kyoto, Japan

Still in Toji Temple in Kyoto, there is also a chance that you will meet a Fire/Flying type Ho-Oh, which is the protector of the skies.

Lugia - Tristan Da Curna, Atlantic Ocean

Elusive Pokèmon Lugia could be hiding in the most remote island of Tristan Da Curna in the Atlantic Ocean.

Celebi - Bamboo Forest in Kyoto, Japan

The Bamboo Forest is the perfect home for the powerful Grass Pokèmon Celebi.

Rayquaza - Burj Khalifa, Dubai

The 830 meter tallest building in the world is the closest to the Ozone Layer where Rayquaza can be spotted.

Groudon - Any Volcano

Better risk your life if you want to catch Groudon as the Pokèmon can be found on a volcano, one of the most powerful ground type Pokemon. If you manage to teach it some strong fire type moves along with Earthquake, Groudon can possibly become the most destructive Pokemon Go asset.

Kyogre - 10,000 feet below sea level

It seems that it is impossible to catch Kyorge, which you can find under the sea.

Arceus - Vatican City

Lastly, the God of Pokèmon Arceus can be found in Vatican City - the home to the head of the Catholic Church.

Players are cautioned that these places are not absolute as these are mere possible locations. Let us know in the comment where you found the rarest Pokèmons.

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