Putnam To Publish Pharrell Williams’ Hit Song ‘Happy’ As Children’s Book

| Feb 18, 2015 05:39 AM EST

Pharrell Williams

The musician Pharrell Williams will extend the kingdom of his 10-week US Billboard Hot 100 No. 1 hit song "Happy" to include picture books for children. He recently signed a contract with Putnam/Penguin to write four books for youngsters, which will include one that his hit song has inspired.

This is not the first book that Putnam has published by winners of Grammy awards. It also published "I Am a Rainbow," written by country singer Dolly Parton.

In 2013 Pharrell initially released "Happy" as a song on the soundtrack of the film "Despicable Me 2." He later produced history's first 24-hour music video to complement it.   

The song was actually Pharrell's fourth No. 1 hit, but his first one as the lead artist. Last year "Happy" was nominated for an Oscar. Pharrell won two Grammys this year for the song, and has won a total of ten Grammys, according to Yahoo.

Last year in Pharrell's interview with Oprah Winfrey, the talk show host showed him various videos of people dancing to "Happy." The musician emotionally revealed that he was overwhelmed by the videos.   

The first printing of the book "Happy" will occur on Sep. 22, and will produce 250,000 copies. It will feature photos of children from different countries portraying "what it means to be happy," according to Rolling Stone.

Pharrell has stated that he has been humbled by the worldwide success of his song "Happy," and particularly among young fans. One goal of the book will be to encourage children to be imaginative.  

Pharrell himself is the father of a six-year-old son. His new book will be another way that he can make him and the rest of the world a little happier.

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