Chinese Bash U.N. PCA South China Sea Ruling by Smashing iPhones

| Jul 15, 2016 11:13 PM EDT

Smashed iPhones

The anger of Chinese over the U.N. Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) ruling that the disputed South China Sea islands are within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines go beyond boycotting dried mangoes from Cebu sold in Taobao.

Nextshark reported that their ire has been extended to products from the U.S., Japan, South Korea and the Philippines because doing so would “provide bullets” to the perceived enemies of China over the dispute islands issue, according to a viral Weibo post.

The U.S., Japan and South Korea were some of the countries that have backed the PCA verdict and the Philippines. On its side, Taiwan and Hong Kong celebrities with business ties in the mainland have supported China.

But the raging mad Chinese are not just into not buying products from the four nations. They have also resorted to violence, smashing their iPhones which are products of Cupertino-based Apple, although a lot of the iPhone have been assembled in China.

The Chinese, who considered what they did an act of patriotism, posted the photos of their smashed phones on Weibo. This is not the first time that Chinese smashed foreign products to express their anger. Since Japan was a constant enemy of China, also with a territorial dispute between Tokyo and Beijing, some Chinese had also smashed Toyotas and other Japanese-brand cars in the past, reported Shanghaiist.

But Shanghaiist is a bit wary if they already smashed their iPhones, how they could post the images on social media? Did they perhaps have a second unit made by Huawei? Chinese tendency to bash and smash when angry could be a hint for anger management experts to start profiting from the phenomenon by offering anger management classes.

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