'Orange is the New Black' team disturbs veterans' groups who find the show 'offensive'

| Jul 18, 2016 07:00 AM EDT

Season four of "Orange is the New Black" will launch exclusively on Netflix on June 17.

The new season of the famous Netflix shows "Orange is the New Black" has left a group of leading veterans disappointed. The group is disappointed by the way how veteran hired as prison guards are being portrayed in the new season of the show.

Specifically, the veretans groups are disturbed by the way new guards in "Orange is the New Black Season 4 disparage the inmates of the prison throughout the drama that takes place in the show. The drama that the veterans are talking about in the women's prison. In addition, the groups are disappointed by the way how the guards discuss about their combat experiences.

The Washington Post states that the Veterans of Foreign Wars has called the show "offensive," while the Iraq And Afghanistan Veterans Of America has claimed that such storyline would further stigmatize the veterans. On the other hand, the Disabled American Veterans believe that the show is very different and "out of touch" from the actual reality of the veteran experience.

In one of the scenes in "Orange is the New Black" finale, one guard was seen telling the other one that he killed several innocent people in Afghanistan. He confessed how wasting so much time chasing the wrong guys makes anyone so frustrated and tired that they end up telling an innocent boy to juggle with the grenades until one finally blows up the whole thing.

According to an Iraq War veteran, Dan Clare, this is one of the several ways how war veterans are misrepresented. He said that "Orange is the New Black" is aired when a number of veterans are returning, looking for jobs. Therefore, negative perception of them in the mind of the public definitely impact how they are able to transition back into civilians.

PTSD and anger management problems are two of the top five reasons why employer thinks deep before hiring a war veteran, according to The Christian Science Monitor. The media has gone far enough to promote mentally-unstable, dangerous side of the veterans, especially in the sensational headlines that represent violent acts, a veteran advocacy group has claimed.

The following video talks about the war veterans who battle PTSD:

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