‘Don’t Starve: Shipwrecked’ to be released on August for PS4, Xbox One: Klei Entertainment

| Jul 20, 2016 06:25 AM EDT

A "Don't Starve: Shipwrecked" survivor is overjoyed when he is greeted by a group of dolphins, unaware of the dangers ahead.

Klei Entertainment has just announced that their video game "Don't Starve: Shipwrecked" will be released in August and it will be coming to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game developers have also given some tips for the players who will be playing their video game.

Community manager Corey Rollins revealed on the official blog of PlayStation that their video game will be released on Aug. 2. At first, they estimated that it will be released around spring, but now they have finally confirmed it officially. When the video game hits the PlayStation Store, buyers can enjoy the 10 percent discount when they purchase it digitally.

According to Engadget, the video game has been available for the PC platform in April, and it was even on sale for $4.50 on Steam. It will feature new characters for players to try out, biomes to explore, cooking food, and battle sea monsters. This new survival video game will feature a new colorful world, which is filled with tropical islands.

The game developers have also composed a list of tips that will help players survive the game. They made this list to celebrate their video game coming to the consoles.

The first tip the developers gave was being aware of the mutinies that might erupt in the game. The monkeys that are abundant in it might steal the players' items, which is why they are advised to get them occupied to protect their items.

The next tip is to not feed the large, deep sea creature Quacken. Players who want to battle this creature must fight him on his favored area, which is why they are advised to come prepared before fighting him.

The third tip is related to the second, which is being prepared to go into the vast sea by wearing a lifejacket. Players must craft one right away to safely navigate the seas and avoid death by drowning, if they find their characters overboard.

Players are also advised to appease the volcano, when they get the chance to do so. The developers warned that they do not want to be on the bad side of it, and they must offer any fine items at the Altar of Snackrifice to evade its anger temporarily.

The last tip the game developers gave was getting food and eating regularly. The new video game has a lot of new ingredients and dishes for players to try out like lobsters, seafood dishes, and many more.

Check out the video game's launch trailer video below:

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