'Dragon Ball Super' rumors: Zamasu's plan in 'Future Trunks' arc revealed; Gohan vs Black Goku fight to happen soon?

| Jul 21, 2016 04:20 AM EDT

The new arc of Dragon Ball Super will feature Future Trunks and a new enemy Black Goku

The latest details and spoilers for "Dragon Ball Super" may feature theories on Zamasu's plan in the series and a possible fight between Son Gohan and Black Goku.

The upcoming episode 53 of "Dragon Ball Super" will feature Son Goku, Beerus and Whiz travelling to Universe 10 to visit the Kaioshin living there. The three characters will encounter Zamasu, who is rumord to be the puppet master behind Black Goku during the "Future Trunks' saga in the series, however, it still unknown what are his plans and what his connection to Black Goku in the first place.

One of Black Goku's goals in the "Future Trunks" saga is the total annihilation of humanity and has been consistent in destroying everything on his path. Another clue is that Black Goku does not refer to himself as Saiyan and hinted that he always wanted to fight Son Goku in his current body hinting that it is a barrowed vessel.

This could mean that Zamasu is using a body similar to Goku to manipulate events in time to do his bidding and that he wants the other Kaioshin to know of intentions of destroying humanity and other inhabitants in the galaxy to prove his point, Blasting News reported.

In other news, it several speculations and theories hint that Son Gohan will clash with Black Goku in "Dragon Ball Super" soon.

Several fans believed that another character from the anime series should fight Black besides Son Goku, and they wanted his son Son Gohan to do it, thinking another So Goku vs Black Goku fight will be predictble and boring

Gohan in the "Dragon Ball Super" anime was highly under utilized and the character was not handled properly.

Another reason is that Gohan having to fight a villain who looks like his father could have a very interesting plot twist in the arc, giving more emphasis of Black's personality if he has any empathy whatsoever.

Gohan on the otherhand, must deal with the fact that he has to fight Black even if it is another version of Goku. Fans want to see the Gohan they all know and love as a powerful warrior with untapped potential in "Dragon Ball Z". Gohan was not able to train properly due to his work and raising his family, but after the events of "Ressurection of F" Gohan asked Piccolo to train him again, thus giving fans hope that the old Gohan will return and be more powerful than before, Design&Trend reported.

"Dragon Ball Super" returns next week on Fuji TV.

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