NASA astronaut accidentally reveals secret UFO codename used by space agency [Video]

| Jul 25, 2016 08:05 PM EDT

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A nervous NASA astronaut may have mistakenly revealed the secret code that the American space agency uses to address unidentified flying objects (UFO). This is evident from a recent recording all the way from the International Space Station (ISS).

According to RT, UFO blogger Scott Waring believes that in the ISS video, the astronaut makes some suspicious reference to the word "gospel." Waring says that the use of such a word is unusual and "out of ordinary" for a normal speech that an astronaut usually delivers.

In a video uploaded by Waring, the astronaut can be heard saying, "On a personal level I look forward to this partnership with the gospel, really around the world." Waring suspects that this astronaut could be none other than Commander Jeff Williams.

The video has made conspiracy theorists and UFO hunters and enthusiasts believe that the world "gospel," in the world of NASA, is a code word that refers to the aliens and the UFOs. In addition, they claim that the astronaut's statement indicates that he was about to head to a journey where he would finally meet a few extraterrestrial beings.

A small, bright dot can also be observed in the same video uploaded by Waring. UFO enthusiasts believe that this is the same UFO that the astronaut was talking about in the live feed.

While it is still not clear whether NASA actually prefers to use a secret code word to address UFOs and aliens, UFO hunters had accused the American space agency recently for cutting a live feed from the ISS. The live feed was strategically cut when a bright, unusual object was about to enter the atmosphere of Earth, according to the Daily Mail.

Conspiracy theorists believe that the live feed was cut as a part of NASA cover-up. The space agency does not want anyone to know that it knows a lot about UFOs, extraterrestrial beings and alien life on Earth and the outer world. This is not the first time that the space agency has been accused of hiding facts related to UFOs.

The following video talks about the astronaut who preaches gospel as a UFO is seen approaching the ISS:

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